University of Rochester

High Energy and Nuclear Physics Seminars 2011-2012
Arie Bodek, Regnina Demina
Last Updated   Oct. 25, 2011
Bodek at, regina at

  Seminars are Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 pm, room BL372 - See details (Title and Abstract)  for each seminar after the list below.

High Energy and Nuclear Physics Seminars Fall 2011 - Spring 2012

Sept. 13, 2011  Tuesday   Regina Demina, UR 
Title:  t-tbar charge production asymmetry in p-pbar collisions.

Sept. 20, 2011  Tuesday   Melanie Day, UR    T2K Seminar
Title: Indications of Electron Neutrino Appearance at T2K

Abstract: Starting in 1998 experiments began to show that neutrinos oscillate from one flavor to another over time, a phenomena that is explained by the existence of neutrino mass. Oscillation from muon and electron neutrino into tau neutrino has been measured to great precision in many experiments. T2K is a long baseline experiment from Tokai to Kamioka in Japan that was designed to measure the more difficult oscillation from muon neutrino into electron neutrino. A description of the T2K experiment and the recent result showing an indication of electron neutrino appearance at the far detector with a significance of 2.5σ will be discussed.

Sept. 27, 2011  Tuesday    No seminar Kevin and Steve out of town.

Oct. 4, 2011  Tuesday Arie Bodek, 
Title:  Neutrino Quasielastic Scattering from Nuclear Targets

Abstract. We present a parametrization of the observed enhancement in the transverse electron quasielas-tic (QE) response function for nucleons bound in carbon as a function of the square of the four momentum transfer (Q2) in terms of a correction to the magnetic form factors of bound nucleons.. The Q2 dependence of the transverse enhancement is observed to resolve much of the long standing discrepancy in the QE total cross sections and differential distributions between low energy and high energy neutrino experiments on nuclear targets (sometimes referred to as the axial mass anomaly).  

Oct. 6, 2011   Thursday, 3:30 pm BL372  Special Seminar -   Luca Grandi (Princeton)  Dark Matter

Oct. 11, 2011  Tuesday Jesse Woden, Stanford - Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (Fall Break)

Oct. 18, 2011 Tuesday  - No seminar
Oct. 25, 2011 Tuesday  - No seminar, Quantum Optics Seminar instead

Nov. 1, 2011 Tuesday   - No seminar - election day
Nov. 8, 2011 Tuesday  -   Thomas McElmurry,  University of Rochester 
 Title: Top Pair Forward-Backward Asymmetry from Loops of New Strongly Coupled  Quarks

Abstract:  We examine loop-mediated effects of new heavy quarks Q=(t',b') on ttbar production at hadron colliders, using a phenomenological model  with flavor off-diagonal couplings of charged and neutral scalars  phi=(phi^+-,phi^0) to Q. We show that an invariant-mass-dependent asymmetry, in the t tbar center of mass, consistent with those recently reported by the CDF collaboration can be obtained for quark masses around 350-500 GeV, scalar masses of order 100-200 GeV, and modest to strong Yukawa couplings. Wefurther show that this invariant-mass dependence can be used to probe the parameters of the underlying model. The requisite strong interactions suggest a non-perturbative electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism and composite states at the weak scale. A typical prediction of this framework is  that the new heavy quarks decay dominantly into t phi final states.

Nov. 15, 2011 Tuesday   -  OPEN

Nov. 22, 2011 Tuesday - OPEN

Nov. 29, 2011 Tuesday  Robert Shrock of Stony BrooK Title:
"Some Recent Results on Technicolor and Extended Technicolor Models"

Dec . 6, 2011 Tuesday   John Arrington - Argonne National Lab.
  Title:  High Momentum Components and Short Range Correlations in Nuclei

Dec . 13, 2011 Tuesday  - no seminar

Jan . 24, 2012 Tuesday  -  no seminar
Jan . 31, 2012 Tuesday  -  no seminar

Feb . 7, 2012 Tuesday  - no seminar
Feb . 14, 2012 Tuesday -  no seminar
Feb . 21, 2012 Tuesday  -  no seminar
Feb . 28, 2012 Tuesday  - no seminar

Mar . 6, 2012 Tuesday -   Zegev Ben Zvi - Wisconsin
Mar . 20, 2012 Tuesday - TBA
Mar .  27, 2012 Tuesday - OPEN

April . 3, 2012 Tuesday -  Constantine  Papageorgakis,  Rutgers
April . 10, 2012 Tuesday - OPEN
April . 17, 2012 Tuesday - OPEN
April . 24, 2012 Tuesday - OPEN

May . 1, 2012 Tuesday - OPEN


----Historical Records

Spring 2011

Jan 18, 2011 no seminar faculty senate --> January 17, 2011  Liang Yang
Jan 25, 2011  no seminar
Feb. 1, 2011   Lauren Hsu
Feb.. 8, 2011   Juan Estrada
Feb. 15, 2011 - (faculty senate)    David Goldstein
Feb. 16, 2011 (Wed)  Alex Shushkov
Feb. 22, 2011   Jesse Wodin
 March 2, 2011  (Colloq) 
Doreen Wackeroth
March 1, 2011 Open
March 8, 2011 Spring Break,  no seminar
March 15, 2011  no seminar faculty senate

March 22, 2011 -
Henning Fleatcher, University of Rochester   SUSY searches at LHC
March 29, 2011  - Open
April 5, 2011 - Luca Grandi,  Princeton - Dark Matter
April 12, 2011 - Philip Rodrigues - New Results for T2K
April 19, 2011  no seminar faculty senate
April 26, 2010  Open  - Last seminarTBA
From Ferbel;  contact  Hassan Jawahery, U of Maryland.
From Orr;  invite Dave Gerdes at Michigan ( to  talk about the Dark Energy Survey
Veronica Sanz,veronica.hirn@gmail. moved to Spring.

 Henning Fleatcher

Sept 14 , 2010             no seminar.    Kevin out of Town
Sept 21, , 2010           
no seminar
Sept 28,  2010             not seminar, Kevin out of Town
 Oct   5, 2010              Ian Taylor (SUNY SB) : The first T2K physics run
T2K is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan, which started data taking in January 2010.  The talk will cover the design philosophy of the experiment, the status and performance of the beam and detectors during the first run, the progress towards a first analysis and plans for the future.

Oct 12, 2010     Frozen in Time: Neutrino Physics with Liquid Argon Detectors
Mitch Soderberg  ; Syracuse University / Fermilab
The discovery just over a decade ago that neutrinos can change identities by oscillating between flavors was a remarkable revision to the Standard Model description of these particles. This discovery implies that neutrinos are not massless as had previously been thought, and opens the possibility that they might play a crucial role in answering
fundamental questions such as whether the observed matterantimatter asymmetry in the universe can be attributed to CP violating
neutrino interactions. Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPCs) are ideally suited for the study of neutrino interactions thanks to precision detection capabilities that make them the modern day equivalent of bubble chambers. In this talk I will introduce the LAr TPC concept, highlighting recent work in the development of this technology for use in studying neutrinos with increasingly larger detectors. After presenting the details of current work in this area at Fermilab, I will conclude by discussing preliminary ideas for the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments that could feature
 20 kiloton LAr TPC far detector at the Deep Underground Science
and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) in South Dakota.

Oct. 26, 2010    no seminar, levin out of town.
Nov. 2, 2010   no seminar, faculty sentate
Nov. 9, 2010   no seminar Kevin out of town
Nov, 16, 2010  Andrew Blechman
Nov. 23, 2010  Open  

Nov. 30, 2010  Open  
Dec. 7, 2010  no seminar Kevin out of Town


High Energy and Nuclear Physics Seminars Spring 2010

Jan 19, 2010             no seminar.   Faculty senate
Jan 26, 2010            no seminar, Kevin out of town (Jan 25-30)

Feb 2, 2010            Alexander Mitov, Stony Brook
Title: "How well do we know the top-pair cross-section at the Tevatron and LHC?"
Abstract: I will present the many theoretical advances made in the last couple of years that are needed for precision studies of heavy flavor production at hadron colliders (fixed order calculations, massive gauge theory amplitudes, all order resummations). I will then focus on LHC and Tevatron phenomenology addressing the question: how well do we know the top-pair cross-section at the Tevatron and LHC?

Feb. 9, 2010             no seminar,     Kevin out of town (Feb.  8-12)

Feb. 16, 2010             Un Ki Yang,  Manchester
Searches for new physics in top quark and neutrino sectors at hadron colliders
I will present the recent CDF results on the searches for new physics in top quark sector, mainly charged Higgs, and will also discuss the prospects for few interesting new physics searches in the top quark and neutrino sectors using early ATLAS data at the LHC.

Feb. 23, 2010          no seminar           Kevin out of town (Feb. 22-26)

March 2, 2010      open

March 9, 2010         No seminar - Spring break.

Monday March 15, 2020,   Particle/Nuclear  Seminar

 Prof. Osamu Hashimoto : Department of physics, Tohoku University,  Sendai, JAPAN

Title:          Test of charge symmetry breaking in A=7 hypernuclei

Abstract :  Hypernuclear spectroscopy made progress in the past years  both by hadronic beams and electron beams.  I will give introductory description of Lambda hypernuclear spectroscopy, emphasizing  our programs at KEK and Jefferson Lab Hall C. As an example of recent results at JLab, test of charge symmetry breaking in A=7 T=1 iso-triplet hypernuclei will be presented based on our binding energy determination of $^{7}_{\Lambda}$He. Research activity of strangeness nuclear physics group at Tohoku University, and future prospect of the study of strangeness degree of freedom in hadronic many-body sistem will be also briefly described.  

,March 16, 2010     No seminar,  Aran out of town,  Faculty senate    

March 23, 2010       no seminar,    Kevin out of town   
         Brock Tweedie <>  asked him to move from March 23 to March 30,10

March 30, 2010   Brock Tweedie  John Hopkina  <> 

Wed. March 31, 2010 Colloq.  3:30 pm Tea,  Talk  3:45 pm

Speaker:  "Bill McDonough" <>
Talk title_: Geoneutrino/Antineutrino detection: an interdisciplinary experiment at the boundaries of physics, astrophysics, geology and
national security
Short Abstract_:  The KamLAND experiment in Japan successfully measured the antineutrino flux from an encircling array of nuclear power plants,
as well as detecting the geoneutrino flux from the earth.  This and the Borexino experiments are now placing limits on the distribution of heat
producing elements in the Earth [the nuclear power that drives convection in the earth and plate tectonics], the potential existence of
a natural georeactor (nuclear) deep inside the earth, as well as providing insights into the solar burning model of the sun.  I will
present proposals for large (10-50 kT) liquid scintillation experiments, which include a mobile device that is deployable in ocean, with specific
applications in physics, astrophysics, geology and national security.  I will also show how the results from the KamLAND geoneutrino experiment
challenges geophysical models for the thermal evolution of the earth and alternatively support a significant contribution from secular cooling of
the earth's mantle.

April 6, 2010              no  seminar (Faculty senate)

April 13, 2010      Florencia Canelli ,  University of Chicago
Title: New Electroweak and Top Physics Results from the Tevatron

Abstract: In this seminar I will show the latest and most precise electroweak and top quark physics results from the CDF and D0
experiments. I will include newly observed diboson processes, the Tevatron combined W boson mass, the new CDF top quark mass, and the latest results regarding top quark properties. I will conclude by explaining how these measurements help us get closer to finding the elusive Higgs boson.

April 20, 2010               no seminar,  Kevin out of town

April 27, 2010      Veronica Sanz-Gonzalez,  York University  (
Title"Dark Matter Leaves a Trace",

Pseudo-Dirac Dark Matter is a type of dark matter which behaves Dirac-like for relic abundance and Majorana-like in direct detection experiments. Dirac dark matter has unsuppressed s-wave interactions, avoiding overabundance issues. Majorana dark matter lacks potentially dangerous vector interactions with nuclei. Satisfying both constraints, relic abundance and direct detection bounds, sets the splitting between two nearly-degenerate states composing a pseudo-Dirac fermion. This physical scale is such that missing energy is produced in association with visible displaced vertices of two leptons or jets at colliders. Because of the additional information from relic abundance, all parameters can be extracted  from the decay length and the invariant mass of the products, even though the measurement involves missing energy.------

emails sent to : tye (, asner (

Archive of High Energy and Nuclear Physics Seminars 2008-2009
Fall 08  (For titles and Abstract, see bottom of this page)
9/9/08  -  Andrew Blechman, University of  Toronto   (hosted by Arie Bodek)
 9/16/08  -  no seminar
 9/23/08  -  Ashok Das, University of Rocheseter (hosted by Arie Bodek)
9/30/08  -  No seminar - Rosh Hashana
10/7/08 -  Haryo Sumowidagdo ,  Florida State University (hosted by Aran Garcia-Bellido)
10/14/08   Sarada Rajeev,  University of Rochesrer  (hosted by Arie Bodek)
 10/21/08  Mark Trodden, Syracuse University -(hosted by Arie Bodek)
10/28/08   Sourabh Dube, Rutgers  (hosted by Aran Garcia-Bellido)
11/4/08     Carsten Rott,  Ohio State  (hosted by Aran Garcia-Bellido)
11/11/08  - Pablo D. Goldenzweig, U. Cincinnati  (hosted by Aran Garcia-Bellido)
11/18/08  - Ron Poling ,  U Minnesota  (hosted by Arie Bodek)
11/25/08  - Jiyeon Han, University of Rochester (hosted by Arie Bodek)
12/2  -        no seminar
12/9/08    - Lynne Orr, University of Rochester  (hosted by Arie Bodek)

Spring 09  (For titles and Abstract, see bottom of this page)

1/20/90  Urlich Baur,  University of  Buffalo  (hosted by Arie Bodek)
1/27/09 - Cristiano Galbiati, Princeton  (Hosted by Kevin McFarland)
2/3/09 -  Open   - hosted by
2/10/09- Jodi Cooley, Stanford University
2/17/09 - Open  - hosted by
2/24/09 - Amanda Weinstein, UCLA
3/3/09 -     Jonghee Yoo, Fermilab
Tuesday 3/10/09   - No seminar -  Spring Break (Aran out of town)
Tuesday 3/17/09   -  No seminar - APS meeting (Aran out of town)
3/24/09 - no seminar
3/31/09 - Cynthia Keppel, Hampton University and Jefferson Lab  (hosted by Arie Bodek)
4/2/ 2009   Special HEP Seminar  Dave Toback (Texas A&M) -
THIS IS A THURSDAY - (hosted by Aran Garcia-Bellido)
4/7/09    Steve Ritz, NASA    (hosted by  Arie Bodek) - Aran out of town
4/14/09 -Toichiro Kinoshita, Cornell  (hosted by Arie Bodek)
4/21/09 - William Wester, FNAL  (hosted by Aran Garcia-Bellido)
Wed 4/22/09  Geumbong Yu,   Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 

Fall  2008 -

 9/9 -  Andrew Blackman, University of  Toronto 
The R-Symmetric supersymmetric standard model
The R-Symmetric supersymmetric standard model

 9/16 -  no seminar

9/23 -  Ashok Das, University of Rochester
Superstring theory and PT symmetric quantum mechanics
Superstring theory and PT symmetric quantum mechanics

9/30 -  No seminar - Rosh Hashana

Tuesday 10/7/08  -  Suharyo Sumowidagdo, Florida State University
Title: Top Quark Pair Production in Tau+Lepton Channel: Probing interactions between members of the third generation.
We present the measurement of top quark-antiquark pair production in lepton+hadronic tau channel using approximately 1 inverse femtobarn of DO data.  We select events with one isolated, energetic electron or muon, one isolated hadronic tau, high missing transverse energy, and two or more energetic jets. One or more of the jets are required to have originated from a b-quark by applying neural network tagging algorithm.  We discuss the results within the context of a cross-section measurement, as well as a search for charged Higgs boson in top quark decays.

10/14   Sarada Rajeev,  University of Rochester
Title: "Solitons in Little Higgs Models"
Just as pions are made of quarks, it is possible that the Higgs bosons are made of some smaller particles. The original
proposals of this sort ("Technicolor") were ruled out by precision electro-weak data. "Little Higgs" models  of Arkani-Hamed et. al. avoid this fate by clever cancellations of radiative corrections. It is expected that the LHC will be able to test some of these models. If the Higgs bosons are like pions, do these models leas to  analogues of baryons in the electroweak sector; i.e., additional  particles (could be fermions or bosons depending on details) made of the same stuff as Higgs bosons? Baryons can be explained as topological solitons of pions. Soour question becomes, are there similar solitons in Little Higgs models? I will answer this question in  a version of these models due to Chris Hill and Richard Hill at Fermilab.

Tuesday 10/21/08  - Mark Trodden, Alumni Professor of Physics, Syracuse University
Title: "Gravitational Approaches to Cosmic Acceleration"
Among the possible explanations for the observed acceleration of the universe, perhaps the boldest is the idea that new gravitational physics might be the culprit. In this seminar I will discuss some of the challenges of constructing a sensible phenomenological extension of General Relativity, give examples of some candidate models of modified gravity and survey existing observational constraints on this approach. I will conclude by discussing how we might hope to distinguish between modifications of General Relativity and dark energy as competing hypotheses to explain cosmic acceleration.

Tuesday 10/28/08  Sourabh Dube, Rutgers
TITLE: "Search for Supersymmetry using the Trilepton signature"
Using 2.0fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II experiment at the Tevatron ppbar collider at root(s)=1.96TeV, we present a search for supersymmetry using the three lepton and missing energy signature of chargino-neutralino production. We expect to see approximately 11 supersymmetric events for a suitable choice of parameters in the mSUGRA model.  Our observation of 7 events is consistent with the Standard Model expectation of 6.4 ± 1.1 events.  We rule out chargino masses up to 145 GeV/c2 in certain mSUGRA regions and present an exclusion region in mSUGRA parameter space. We also present a method to extract model-independent results from this search.

Tuesday 11/4/08     Carsten Rott,  Ohio State 
Tile: Indirect Searches for Dark Matter with IceCube
High energy neutrinos are unique messengers, traveling cosmic distances without being absorbed or deflected, that offer a new perspective on the high-energy universe. The IceCube neutrino observatory is an ice-Cherenkov detector currently under construction in the deep, clear ice beneath the geographic South Pole for the detection of these particles. It is a multi-purpose experiment that can not only be used to look cosmic neutrino sources, but also study atmospheric neutrinos, cosmic-rays, or search indirectly for dark matter, to name a few. After a brief introduction to the IceCube detector and Deep Core, a new subdetector that will be especially sensitive to neutrinos with energies below a TeV, I will summarize the main physics results. After that the talk will focus on indirect searches for dark matter and will conclude with an outlook into future discovery potentials.

Tuesday 11/11/08  - Pablo D. Goldenzweig,  University of Cincinnati.
Title: Recent Results on B->VV Decays at Belle
The study of B-meson decays to hadronic final states tests our understanding of both weak and strong interactions. Specifically, B-meson decays to two vector mesons can shed light on the helicity structure of weak interactions through polarization studies. These decays yield important constraints on the unitarity triangle and can probe for new physics phenomena. In this talk, I will present recent results for the charmless vector-vector decays B0->wK*0 and B0->rho0rho0 using the worlds largest data set of BB(bar) pairs collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e- collider. An overview of the analysis techniques will be
presented along with the branching fractions for the b->s penguin dominated B0->wK*0 and non-resonant B0->wK+pi- decays. A first measurement of the longitudinal polarization fraction for wK*0 decays will also be presented, along with a discussion of both SM and possible new physics interpretations. For B0->rho0rho0 decays, I will present Belle's measurement of the branching fraction and CKM angle phi_2.

Tuesday 1/18/08  - Ron Poling ,  U Minnesota
Title: "All Hail CESR (and CLEO) - Thirty Years Shaping the Standard Model".

Tuesday 11/25/08 Jiyeon Han, University of Rochester
Title: The Differential Cross Section Distribution of Drell-Yan Dielectron Pairs in the Z Boson Mass Region (Public Talk followed by closed PhD. Defence);
We report on a measurement of the rapidity distribution, dsigma/dy,  for  Z/Drell-Yan to e+e-  events produced in  pbar p collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. The data sample  consists of 2.13 fb^(-1)  corresponding to about  about 160,000   Z/Drell-Yan  to ee  candidates in the Z boson mass region collected  by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The dsigma/dy  distribution, which  is measured over the full kinematic range for e+e- pairs in the invariant  mass range  66<M_e+e-<116 GeV/c^2,  is compared with theory predictions.  There is good agreement between the data and predictions of  Quantum Chromodynamics in Next to Leading Order with the CTEQ6.1M Parton Distribution Functions.

12/2/08    No seminar

Tuesday 12/9/08    - Lynne Orr, University of Rochester
Title: "Top at Future Hadron Colliders".

Spring 09

Tuesday 1/20/09,  Urlich Baur,  University of  Buffalo
Title: Precision physics at the LHC
I discuss the prospects for measuring the W boson mass, the W width, the weak mixing angle, and the Higgs boson couplings at the LHC. Particular emphasis is given to the status of theoretical calculations relevant for these measurements.

Tuesday 1/27/09  Cristiano Galbiati, Princeton
Title: Noble liquids - The revolution in direct dark matter searches recent results from borexin
"Noble liquid detectors are changing in a fundamental way the field ofdirect dark matter searches.  They feature excellent discriminationbetween minimum ionizing events - due to background radioactivity -and nuclear recoils - the signature of WIMP dark matter interactions-.  Their unmatched promise of a rapid scaling of the target mass (by 2-3 orders of magnitude!) and of a corresponding increase in sensitivity is driving a large number of researchers into the field: it's the 21st century gold rush of astroparticle physics.  Will they provide the first successful exploration of the dark sector? Finally, I will present very recent results from the Borexino solar neutrino experiment.  I will also discuss how the technology developed in the context of solar neutrino searches will impact future direct dark matter searches."

Tuesday 2/3/09 , Open

Tuesday 2/10/09- Jodi Cooly, Stanford University

Tuesday 2/17/09, open

Tuesday 2/24/09, Amanda Weinstein  UCLA

Tueday 3/3/09 - Jonghee Yoo, Fermilab
Title : The first CDMS five tower results and the solid xenon project
Abstract :
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) is originally designed searching for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs)
with low-temperature crystal detectors that are able to read out both ionization and phonon signals. However the same detector can also be
used for solar and Galactic axion search. In this talk I will present results of dark matter search, and the first results of solar and
Galactic axion search using the CDMS detectors. I will then discuss a next generation multi-purpose detector R&D, the solid xenon project.

Tuesday 3/10/09   - No seminar Spring Break

Tuesday 3/17/09   -  OPEN  possible seminar (now No seminar - APS meeting)

Tuesday 3/24/09  open

Tuesday 3/31/09  Cynthia Keppel, Hampton University and Jefferson Lab

THURSDAY 4/2/2009  -  Special HEP Seminar  Dave Toback (Texas A&M)
Title: The search for supersymmetry at CDF

Tuesday 4/7/09 Steve Ritz, NASA
Title: Fermi Mission Results, Status, and Plans at GLAST

Tuesday 4/14/09 Toichiro Kinoshita, Cornell
Title: Tackling the $\alpha^5$ term of the electron g-2: Progress Report"

Tuesday 4/21/09  William Wester, FNAL
Title "Recent advances in the detection of heavy quark hadronic states"  (from CDF data). 

Wed 4/22/09  Geumbong Yu,   Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester
Title: Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in Decays of Top Quarks in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at  Sqrt(s)  = 1.96 TeV (Also PhD Thesis Defense)
We report on the first direct search for charged Higgs bosons in decays of top quarks in pbar-p collisions at Sqrt(s)  = 1.96 TeV. The search uses a data sample with an integrated luminosity of 2.2 fm-1 collected by CDF II detector at Fermilab, and looks for a resonance in the invariant mass distribution of two jets in the lepton+jets sample of  t-tbar candidates. We observe no evidence of charged Higgs bosons in top quark decays; hence 95\% C.L. upper limits on the branching ratio,  B(t -> H+ b)  in assumptions of B(H+ ->  C sbar  = 1.0 and  B}(t ->  Wb) +   B(t -> H b)  = 1.0, are placed at 0.1 to 0.3, corresponding to charged Higgs boson masses of 60 Ge B(t -> H+ b) can also be used as model independent limits on the decay branching ratio of top quarks to any charged scalar bosons beyond thestandard model.

FALL 2009

September 22, 2009
Speaker:   Adrian Melissinos,   Rochester.
Title: "The effect of the tides on the LIGO interferometers"
Abstract: Long arm interferometers are subject to the tidal deformations of the Earth, which must be compensated to keep the instrument on a dark fringe. In addition tidal forces produce a time-dependent, f ~ 10^{-5} Hz, gravity gradient along the arms which affects the signal at the free spectral range frequency. Data obtained by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration show that the observed tidal lines agree with the known values to within the measurement resolution of 6x10^{-9} Hz.

September 29, 2009
Speaker: Craig  Hogan, Fermilab
Title:        "Holographic Noise in Michelson Interferometers: a Direct Experimental  Probe of Unification at the Planck Scale"
Abstract: Classical spacetime and quantum mass-energy form the basis of all of  physics. They become inconsistent with each other at the Planck scale,
5.4 times 10^{-44} seconds, which may signify a need for  reconciliation in a  unified theory.  Although proposals for unified  theories exist, a direct experimental probe of this scale, 16 orders  of magnitude above Tevatron energy, has seemed hopelessly out of  reach. However in a particular interpretation of holographic unified  theories, derived from black hole evaporation physics,  a  world  assembled out of Planck-scale waves displays effects of unification
with a new kind of  uncertainty in position at the Planck diffraction  scale, the geometric mean of the Planck length and the apparatus size.  In this case a new phenomenon may measurable, an indeterminacy of  spacetime position that appears as noise in interferometers. The  colloquium will discuss the theory of the effect, and our plans to  build a holographic interferometer at Fermilab to measure it.

Oct. 6, 2009   no seminar

Oct. 13, 2009  No Seminar

Oct. 20, 2009 
Wine and Cheese in honor of  Prof.  Hagen's Sakurai Prize.  (Comments by Bigelow, Bodek,  Slattery)

October 27, 2009
Speaker:   Robert Bernstein, Fermilab
Title:  "A New Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Experiment: Muon to Electron Conversion at Fermilab"
The Mu2e collaboration will search for coherent, neutrino-less conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus with a sensitivity improvement of approximately 10,000 over existing limits. Such a lepton flavor-violating reaction probes new physics at a scale unavailable by direct searches at either present or planned high energy colliders. The physics motivation for Mu2e and the design of the muon beamline and spectrometer will be presented, along with a scheme by which the experiment can be mounted in the present Fermilab accelerator complex. We will also examine the prospects for increased sensitivity of as much as two orders-of-magnitude at the proposed Fermilab Project X Linac.

Nov. 3, 2009 
Speaker: Prof.  Jay Hubisz, Syracuse
Title: Revealing Randall-Sundrum Hidden Valleys
Hidden Valley models, in which light hidden sector fields are accessible in collider experiments only through high-scale dynamics, are of particular interest to both theorists and experimentalists in the LHC era, and models which utilize the Randall-Sundrum (RS) geometry for obtaining natural electroweak symmetry breaking abound in the literature.  In this talk, I will make the case that such RS models can generically produce the collider features of Hidden Valley models, and present a model in which a RS hidden sector is responsible for solving the strong-CP problem.

Nov. 10, 2009 
Speaker: Micheal Berger,  Indiana   (CANCELLED)
Title: Lorentz Violation in Top Quark Production and Decay
I will give an introduction the consideration of Lorentz and CPT violation in the context of effective field theories. The Lorentz-violating Standard Model Extension captures many possible sources of spacetime symmetry violation, and allows for quantitative comparisons between different experiments. In particular, bounds can be obtained from collider experiments. I will present the results of a calculation of the effects of Lorentz and CPT violation on the production and decay of top quarks in hadron colliders. The scattering cross section depends on the orientation of the colliding beams which implies that expected signals should display a sidereal time dependence arising from the rotation of the Earth.

Nov. 17, 2009 
Speaker: Prof. Lee G. Sobotka  Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry,  Washington University in St. Louis
Title: Studies of a) Correlations, b) Continuum structure and c) the Caloric Curve of  God’s Quantum Dots
Abstract :
Our group has spent the last few years investigating the evolution of correlations in atomic nuclei with neutron-to-proton ratio and excitation. By invoking causality (via the standard Kramers-Kronig relations), we are able to link bound-state information and scattering data. The dispersion that results from such a model leads to several important findings. Protons (in Ca) become less “single-particle like” as the excess of neutrons (the other “sex”) is increased. There is a peak (enhancement) in the effective mass on the surface that explains why the experimentally observed many-body density of states is larger than single-particle models would lead one to expect. Finally, the demise of this enhancement to the effective mass, and thus DOS, with excitation energy, induces a plateau in the nuclear Caloric Curve. A few highlights of our recent work using “continuum spectroscopy” of light nuclei with exotic neutron-to-proton ratios will also be presented. We have found an exited state of 10C that to a large extent decays by emitting 2 correlated protons and a correlation between p + 8He that indicates a resonance in 9Li which is likely the “analog” of the ground state of 9He

Nov. 24, 2009  
Speaker: Prof. Simon Catterall, Syracuse
Title: Exact Lattice Supersymmetry
Recently, new theoretical ideas have allowed the construction of lattice actions which are explicitly invariant under one or more supersymmetries.
These theories are local and free of fermion doublers and in the case of Yang-Mills theories also possess exact gauge invariance. In this talk these ideas are reviewed with particular emphasis being placed on N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory and applications to the AdS/CFT correspondence.

Dec. 1, 2009 
Speaker: Teresa Montaruli, University of Wisconsin, Madison
"Searching for extraterrestrial high energy neutrinos"
I will review the search for astrophysical neutrinos and the status and results of neutrino telescopes in operation and decommissioned. I will describe the
methods used for data analysis, and background discrimination. I will give emphasis to recent results of IceCube and ANTARES. I will interpret these
results and consider their impact on theoretical predictions of neutrino fluxes correlated with measurements using other messengers, specifically gammas
and ultra-high energy cosmic rays.

Dec 8, 2009  No seminar (Arie out of town)