 Axial and vector form factor are equal between
Q2=13 GeV2  for F1, F2 and  16 GeV2 F3  Hall A form factors
constrained for Q2>4 GeV2 for Gmn (to ratio to Gmp)
constrained for Q2>3.5 GeV2 for Gen (to ratio to Gep)
constrianed for Q2>6 GeV2 for Gep(to ratio to Gmp)

Next: study R elastic /quasielastic  - plot sqrt(R) to get good scale
1. Raxial = 0 for elastic

Rproton > Rneutron for elastics,  R proton is purple, R neutron is yellow

Rvector (green)  smaller than Rproton (purple)  for elastics

The scale is 10*Q2.  Petty sure that the plot is OK for sqrt (R proton)
and sqrt (R  neutron), Need to check R vector.
form factors  NOTE: Breaks in curves below are from:
constrained for Q2>4 GeV2 for Gmn (to ratio to Gmp)
constrained for Q2>3.5 GeV2 for Gen (to ratio to Gep)
constrianed for Q2>6 GeV2 for Gep(to ratio to Gmp)

Sqrt  (R)