Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Introduction, with A. C. Mellissinos, Gordon Breach Publisher (1986).

Integrable Models, World Scientific Publishing (May 1989).

From Symmetries to Strings: Forty Years of Rochester Conferences, World Scientific Publishing (December1989).

Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, with T. Ferbel, John Wiley (1993).

Field Theory: A Path Integral Approach, World Scientific Publishing (1993).

From Spectroscopy to Chaos, with D. Koltun,  World Scientific Publishing (1995).

Kern-und Teilchenphysik, with T. Ferbel, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Germany (1995).

Field Theories at Finite Temperature, World Scientific Publishing (1997).

Advanced Topics in Integrable Models, World Scientific Publishing (in preparation).