# A Modern Dwarf Stellar Effective Temperature Scale Based on 17,842 # Teff & MK Spectral Type Pairs # # Eric Mamajek (U. Rochester) As of 20 January 2014, I have removed the original data table from 2010 from this page. Short story: The 2010 table is obsolete. I encourage you to adopt the dwarf spectral type vs. effective temperature (Teff) scale presented in Table 5 of Pecaut & Mamajek (2013; ApJS, 208, 9; Table 5): http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ApJS..208....9P http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?J/ApJS/208/9 (and please cite that paper as the source). Long story: A more refined analysis (taking special account of the intrinsic colors and measured effective temperatures of spectral standard stars, and vetting of those spectral standard stars) has produced the dwarf effective temperature table in Pecaut & Mamajek (2013; ApJS, 208, 9; Table 5): http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ApJS..208....9P http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?J/ApJS/208/9 The original analysis that went into the 2010 version of the Teff table at this URL suffered from a few problems. Some of the problems were: 1) it relied heavily upon a small number of spectral type catalogs, some of which have systematic differences in spectral types to more modern determiations (more on this later), 2) it was heavily weighted towards stars that had more Teff determinations, many of which were not necessarily good representatives of their spectral type (e.g. metal poor or metal rich, cooler or hotter than other stars typical for their type, etc.), 3) for some spectral classes (especially hot stars), it was heavily weighted towards obsolete catalogs that had many Teff determinations. For these reasons, a different approach was taken. The goal was produce a dwarf Teff scale appropriate for stars of roughly solar composition, where the Teff was representative for the best spectral standards of those spectral types. It was decided to attempt to evaluate this on a spectral type by spectral type (and standard star by standard star basis). The raw notes from that exercise can be found in the files in the directory: http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~emamajek/spt/ We evaluated the pedigree of the dwarf spectral standards that had been published in the literature (from e.g. Johnson & Morgan, papers by Morgan, Keenan, Gray, Garrison, Kirkpatrick, Henry, and others). Some older standard stars had been largely ignored/abandoned after Johnson & Morgan (1953), or reclassified by the original classifiers in later papers, and newer standards have been introduced which largely replaced the older standards (e.g. the Kirkpatrick and Henry M dwarf standards). For example in the file "A0V.txt": http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~emamajek/spt/A0V.txt I list all the stars that have been previously mentioned as A0 dwarf standards, list all their published spectral classifications, compile their colors and published effective temperatures, grade the quality of the standards (primary, secondary, [occasionally] tertiary, deprecated), and use all of this to estimate the mean properties of A0V stars. This was a time consuming process, but I'm confident that the mean values for each spectral type that we published in Pecaut & Mamajek (2013) are about as good as one can adopt given the limitations of the MK spectral classification system. The MK spectral classification system has changed very little over time, but it has migrated systematically and crystallized a bit in a few key regions (especially among the A-type stars, the F/G boundary, and late-K and M dwarfs). For example, one may note that in the 2010 version of this Teff scale, the mean Teff for G2V stars was listed as 5880K. This is 100K hotter than the Sun, and the Sun is essentially "the anchor standard" for G2V stars. The reason is that most of the G dwarf classifications that I used in my original analysis rely heavily upon the Michigan Spectral Catalogs (by Houk). The Houk survey began in the late 60s, and there are some subtle differences (at the +-1-2 subtype level) among the F/G standards that she used compared to the modern grid of F/G standards (especially those of Keenan). For better or worse, the modern spectral classifications (e.g. see especially large surveys by Gray, Corbally, and collaborators) rely heavily upon Keenan's spectral standards - which differed from previous classifications by Morgan, and Keenan himself! Some particularly egregious examples of spectral standards which "changed" over time are Eta Cas A (F9V by Keenan in post-1988 publications and most modern classifiers, but G0V according to Morgan and Keenan before 1988!). To illustrate this point a bit further: Johnson & Morgan (1953; source of the "MK" standards) listed 3 G2V standards: Sun, 16 Cyg A, and HR 483 (HD 10307). Keenan later considered 16 Cyg A to be G1V, and HR 483 to be G1.5V. So the only one of the JohnsonMorgan53 G2V standards to "survive" to Keenan's system of standards was the Sun. Regardless, most "modern" spectral classification of dwarf stars relies on standards from Walborn & Morgan (OB stars), Morgan, Gray and Garrison (A/F stars), Keenan (G/K stars), Kirkpatrick and Henry (M stars). Using classifications from the 1950s-1970s for A/G/M stars for comparison with modern A/G/M stars is probably unwarranted as the adopted standards stars have changed somewhat -- one may introduce unwanted systematic effects at the +-1-2 subtype level. As there have been some shifts in the standards themselves, there have been some shifts in the mean properties as a function of spectral type. The dwarf star Teff/color/BC tables in Pecaut & Mamajek (2013) attempt to represent the mean properities of dwarf stars of ~solarish composition on the "modern" system of spectral standard stars. Eric Mamajek 20 January 2014