O9V Garrison94 lists 10 Lac (=HD 214680 = HR 8622) as an O9V anchor standard, and MK73 lists 10 Lac as the O9V anchor standard. MK43 standard: 10 Lac - O9V iot Ori - O9V (iot Ori is O9III in later literature!) JM53 standards: 10 Lac, 14 Cep, HD 46202, HD 52266, HD 57682 Garrison67 standard: 10 Lac - O9V Lesh68 standard: 10 Lac - O9V Hiltner69 standard: 10 Lac - O9V Walborn71 standard: 10 Lac - O9V Houk75 standard HD 52266 - O9V (primary standard) Garrison77 standard: 10 Lac - O9V MK78 standard: HD 46202 - O9V Keenan85 standard: HD 46202 - O9V Walborn90 standards: HD 46202 & HD 93028 - O9V GrayAtlas standard: HD 46202 - O9V GrayNStars standard: HD 46202 - O9V Garcia89 lists 5 O9V MK standards: HD 46202, 52266, 57682, 209481, 214680 (all of which are in JM53) Skiff08 lists 2 O9V standards: HD 214680 = 10 Lac (MK73) & HD 46202 (MK73) Updated all Q-method dereddenings in this file using updated calibration (Oct 2011). Note from Mar 2021: If one extracts the stars classified as O9V and variants from SIMBAD, with parallax > 1 mas and default UBV photometry, they follow the reddening vector: (U-B) = -0.8230 + 0.73631885*(B-V), although the bluest ones in SIMBAD are around (B-V)o=-0.25 (although even these bluest ones are reddened) B-V(O9V) = -0.318 ; EEM dereddened weak stan. 14 Cep (via Q-method) B-V(O9V) = -0.317 ; EEM dereddened pri. stan. 10 Lac (Lyman alpha =>E(B-V)) B-V(O9V) = -0.314 ; EEM dereddened pri. stan. 10 Lac (via Q-method) B-V(O9V) = -0.314 ; EEM dereddened weak stan. HD 57682 (via Q-method) B-V(O9V) = -0.312 ; from U-B=-1.11 from Q-method B-V(O9V) = -0.311 ; EEM dereddened 4 HIP O9V (Q-method, E(B-V) < 0.3) B-V(O9V) = -0.310 ; EEM dereddened weak stan. HD 52266 (via Q-method) B-V(O9V) = -0.31 ; Morgan53,Johnson58,Johnson63,Johnson66,Fitzgerald70,Morgan71,Schmidt-Kaler82 B-V(O9V) = -0.305 ; EEM dereddened sec. stan. HD 46202 (via Q-method) B-V(O9V) = -0.303 ; EEM dereddened sec. stan. HD 93028 (via Q-method) B-V(O9V) = -0.27 ; Martins06 => adopt (B-V)(O9V) = -0.312 [updated 2/7/2020] The bluest B-V I can find for a O9V star is HIP 52849 (B-V = -0.227), so <(B-V)o> must be bluer than this. U-B(O9V) = -1.076 ; EEM dereddened deprecated stan. HD 93028 (via Q-method) U-B(O9V) = -1.084 ; EEM dereddened sec. stan. HD 46202 (via Q-method)* U-B(O9V) = -1.10 ; Martins06 U-B(O9V) = -1.104 ; EEM dereddened N=4 O9V (via Q-method, E(B-V) < 0.3 mag)* U-B(O9V) = -1.113 ; EEM dereddened deprecated stan. 14 Cep (via Q-method) U-B(O9V) = -1.114 ; EEM dereddened deprecated stan. HD 57682 (via Q-method) U-B(O9V) = -1.119 ; EEM dereddened prim. stan. 10 Lac (via Q-method)* U-B(O9V) = -1.12 ; Johnson58,Johnson63,Bessell98,Schmidt-Kaler82 U-B(O9V) = -1.122 ; EEM dereddened prim. stan. 10 Lac (using Lyalpha)* U-B(O9V) = -1.13 ; Fitzgerald70, Johnson66 => adopt (U-B)(O9V) = -1.110 *** [updated 2/7/2020] => adopt Q(O9V) = -0.886 [updated 2/7/2020] => adopt (V-K)(O9V) = -1.000 [updated 12/26/2020] => adopt (V-J)(O9V) = -0.764 => adopt (V-H)(O9V) = -0.929 => adopt (H-K)(O9V) = -0.071 => adopt (J-H)(O9V) = -0.164 => adopt (V-I)(O9V) = -0.369 (g-r)(O9V) = -0.62 ; Covey07 (Bp-Rp)(O9V) = -0.512 ; Evans18 trend for V-I=-0.369 Teff(O9V) = 31000 K ; non-stan. HD 326329 (Marcolino09) Teff(O9V) = 31524 K ; Martins05(theo. scale),Martins06 Teff(O9V) = 31750 K ; Massey05(Milky Way) Teff(O9V) = 31800 K ; Bessell98 Teff(O9V) = 32000 K ; Crowther97/Fig.3 Teff(O9V) = 32000 K ; HD 48099-2 (Martins11) Teff(O9V) = 32000 K ; non-stan. HD 149757 (Repolust04) Teff(O9V) = 32172 K ; EEM N=14 Teffs* Teff(O9V) = 32882 K ; Martins05(obs. scale),GrayCorbally09 Teff(O9V) = 33000 K ; Schmidt-Kaler82 Teff(O9V) = 33200 K ; Bohm-Vitense81 Teff(O9V) = 33250 K ; pri. stan. HD 46202 (median Teff)* Teff(O9V) = 33300 K ; EEM trend for all O stars 1/2020 ** Teff(O9V) = 33715 K ; U-B=-1.114 => Teff(Bessell98) Teff(O9V) = 34100 K ; Nieva13 (N=1 star) Teff(O9V) = 34108 K ; sec. stan. HD 57682 (median Teff)* Teff(O9V) = 34550 K ; Theodossiou90 Teff(O9V) = 34638 K ; Q=-0.885 => Nieva13 calibration Teff(O9V) = 34678 K ; Simon-Diaz14 linear fit for O9V Teff(O9V) = 34800 K ; Holgado18 Teff(O9V) = 35355 K ; pri. stan. 10 Lac (median Teff)* Teff(O9V) = 35481 K ; Simon-Diaz17 median for O9V (N=3) => adopt Teff(O9V) = 33300 K (logTeff = 4.522) [updated 1/20/2020] Mv(O9V) = -4.62 mag ; Wegner07 Mv(O9V) = -4.5 mag ; Schmidt-Kaler82 Mv(O9V) = -4.48 mag ; sec. stan. HD 46202 (see below) Mv(O9V) = -4.46 mag ; Russeil03 Mv(O9V) = -4.35 mag ; non-stan. HD 149757 (Repolust04) Mv(O9V) = -4.3 mag ; GrayCorbally09 Mv(O9V) = -4.3 mag ; Conti71(V) Mv(O9V) = -4.30 mag ; Bowen08 Mv(O9V) = -4.23 mag ; Garmany92 (O9V,IV) Mv(O9V) = -4.21 mag ; EEM trend for O9V Mv(O9V) = -4.12 mag ; Martins06/theor. scale Mv(O9V) = -4.12 mag ; Martins06/obs. scale Mv(O9V) = -4.10 mag ; pri. stan. 10 Lac (see below) Mv(O9V) = -4.05 mag ; Martins05 Mv(O9V) = -4.038 mag ; logL/Teff trend for O dwarfs (Teff=33000K,logL=4.8234) Mv(O9V) = -3.97 mag ; average (HD 46202, 10 Lac, HD48099-2, HD 93028) Mv(O9V) = -3.89 mag ; HD 48099-2 (Mon OB2 member; Martins11) Mv(O9V) = -3.7 mag ; Conti71(ZAMS) Mv(O9V) = -3.6 mag ; 10 Lac (Walborn07) Mv(O9V) = -3.41 mag ; sec. stan. HD 93028 (see below) => adopt Mv(O9V) = -4.20 mag [updated 2/8/2020] => adopt M_Ks(O9V) = -3.20 mag = Mv - (V-Ks) = -4.2 - -1.0 [updated 12/30/2020] BCv(O9V) = -3.310 mag ; Flower96(Teff=33300K, set so BCv(Teff)=-0.085)) BCv(O9V) = -3.264 mag ; Chen19 PARSEC Teff=33300K,solar,logg=3.87 BCv(O9V) = -3.20 mag ; Schmidt-Kaler82(BCv=-3.33 + 0.13 offset) BCv(O9V) = -3.169 mag ; Code76(Teff=33300K, set so Teff(5772K)=-0.085) BCv(O9V) = -3.150 mag ; Nieva13(Teff=33300K) BCv(O9V) = -3.14 mag ; Martins05(obs. scale) BCv(O9V) = -3.129 mag ; Bessell98(ATLAS,logg=4.0,Teff=33300, set so Teff(5772K)=-0.085) BCv(O9V) = -3.116 mag ; Balona94(Teff=33300K, set so Teff(5772K)=-0.085) BCv(O9V) = -3.106 mag ; LanzHubeny03(Teff=33300K,Z/Zsun=1) BCv(O9V) = -3.06 mag ; Martins06(obs.scale) BCv(O9V) = -3.01 mag ; Martins05(theor.scale) BCv(O9V) = -2.93 mag ; Martins06(theor.scale) => adopt BCv(O9V) = -3.11 [updated 1/31/2020, BCv(5772K)=-0.085] logL(O9V) = 4.50 dex ; sec. stan. HD 93028 (see below) logL(O9V) = 4.60 dex ; HD 48099-2 (Martins11) logL(O9V) = 4.72 dex ; Martins05(theo. scale) logL(O9V) = 4.74 dex ; Marcolino09/HD326329 logL(O9V) = 4.764 dex ; logL/Teff trend for O dwarfs (Teff=33000K) logL(O9V) = 4.77 dex ; Martins05(obs. scale) logL(O9V) = 4.77 dex ; pri. stan. 10 Lac (see below) logL(O9V) = 4.820 dex ; Mv=-4.2, BCv=-3.11 => Mbol = -7.310 logL(O9V) = 4.87 dex ; non-stan. HD 149757 (Repolust04) logL(O9V) = 4.92 dex ; sec. stan. HD 46202 (see below) => adopt logL(O9V) = 4.820 dex [updated 2/8/2020] => adopt Mbol(O9V) = -7.310 mag [updated 2/8/2020] Mass(O9V) = 17.08 Msun ; Martins05/obs. Teff scale Mass(O9V) = 17.21+-0.46 Msun ; Eclipsing binary V1034 Sco A (Torres10) Mass(O9V) = 17.78 Msun ; EEM Teff vs. Mass fit for binaries (Teff=32500K) Mass(O9V) = 18.03 Msun ; Martins05/theo. Teff scale Mass(O9V) = 19+-5 Msun ; Weidner10 Mass(O9V) = 19.01+-0.44 Msun ; Eclipsing binary V3903 Sgr B (Torres10) Mass(O9V) = 19.52 Msun ; EEM logL vs. Mass fit for binaries (logL=4.82) Mass(O9V) = 19.60+-4.33 Msun ; Hohle10 Mass(O9V) = 19.69 Msun ; pri. stan. 10 Lac (Hohle10) Mass(O9V) = 19.80 Msun ; Ekers18 ML calibration for logL=4.82 Mass(O9V) = 20.17 Msun ; MIST/Choi16 solar tracks for logT=4.522,logL=4.820 Mass(O9V) = 20.2 Msun ; non-stan. HD 149757 (Repolust04) Mass(O9V) = 20.60 Msun ; EEM Mv vs. Mass fit for binaries (Mv=-4.2) Mass(O9V) = 20.6+-1.7 Msun ; WR22B (Weidner10) Mass(O9V) = 20.62 Msun ; Ekers15 ML calibration for logL=4.82 => adopt Mass(O9V) = 20.2 Msun [updated 4/16/2022] logg(O9V) = 3.65 dex ; non-stan. HD 149757 (Repolust04) logg(O9V) = 3.87 dex ; Holgado18 logg(O9V) = 3.9 +- 0.1 dex ; Marcolino09/HD326329 logg(O9V) = 3.915+-0.15 (stdev) ; Martins05 => adopt logg(O9V) = 3.87 dex [updated 1/31/2020] Rad(O9V) = 6.7 +- 1.4 Rsun ; pri stan. 10 Lac (Gordon18) Rad(O9V) = 7.471 Rsun ; Martins05 (Teff=32883K,logL=4.769) Rad(O9V) = 7.7226 Rsun ; Teff=33300K, logL=4.820 Rad(O9V) = 8.9 Rsun ; HD149757/Repolust04 => adopt Rad(O9V) = 7.723 Rsun [updated 2/8/2020] # Primary Standard 10 Lac = HD 214680 = HR 8622 O9V: MK43,JM53,Garrison67(stan),Lesh68(stan),Hiltner69(stan),Walborn71(stan),MK73,Walborn73,Garrison77(stan),Garcia89 Skiff07: 09V in 7 refs, plus a O8.5III (1936), O7.5V (1982), O8III (1971). Johnson (1963) lists the star as one of "The Ten Primary Standard Stars of the U, B, V System": V=4.88, B-V=-0.203, U-B=-1.04. Q = U-B - 0.72*B-V = -0.894. Mermilliod91: V=4.879+-0.014, B-V=-0.201+-0.008, U-B=-1.036+-0.010 => updated Q-method (1/2020) => (B-V)o=-0.315, (U-B)o=-1.119, E(B-V)= 0.112, Av=0.360. logN_HI = 20.70+-0.13 (Bohlin78), 20.78+-0.10 (Shull85). If we adopt logN_HI = 20.74, then using Savage & Mathis 1979 [N(HI+H2)/E(B-V) = 4.8e21], I estimate E(B-V) = 0.114. Then (B-V)o = (B-V) - E(B-V) = -0.203 - 0.114 = -0.317, and (U-B)o = (U-B) - 0.72*E(B-V) = -1.04 - 0.72*0.114 = -1.122. vanLeeuwen07 plx = 1.89 +-0.22 mas => D = 529+-62 pc. Hence, Mv = -4.10+-0.25 mag, logL = 4.77+-0.11 dex. Teffs: 32380+-2220K(Zorec09), 32845K(Adelman02,ubvy), 33000K(Kubiak73 in Adelman02), 33690K(Daflon03), 33893K(U-Bo=>Bessell98), 34000K(Rauw12), 35355K(Prugniel07#3), 35495K(Prugniel07#2), 35595K(Katz11), 35900K(Snow94), 37500K(Prugniel07#1), 37500+-1000K(Herrero92), 38000+-1000K(Schonberner88), 40000+-1300K(Gordon18) => = 35355K. Mass = 19.69+-0.95 Msun(Hohle10). HD 46202 = Cl* NGC 2244 JOHN 6 = ALS 8991 = MCW 438 *O9V: JM53,MK78(stan),Keenan85,Garcia89,Walborn90(stan),GrayAtlas O9.5V: Martins11 M91: V=8.186+-0.015, B-V=0.178+-0.011, U-B=-0.737+- => updated Q-method (1/2020) => (B-V)o=-0.305, (U-B)o=-1.084, E(B-V)= 0.483, Av=1.562. One of Walborn90's two O9V standards, and the O9V standard of MK78. Distance to NGC 2244 is 1660 pc (Dias+2001 catalog) => plx = 0.602 mas. Hence, Mv ~ -4.48, logL ~ 4.92. Teffs: 28952K(Corot12), 31309K(U-Bo=>Bessell98), 31500K(Daflon94), 33000+-2000K(Mahy11), 33500K(Fitzpatrick07), 33500K(Martins11), 34100+-600K(Briquet12), 35900K(Snow94) => median = 33250K. logg=3.92+-0.14(Fitzpatrick07). Mass = 23.0 Msun(Snow94). logL=4.85(Mahy11). # Secondary Standard HD 57682 = ALS 9302 = HR 2806 *O9V: JM53,Morgan55,Hiltner56,Lesh68,Buscombe69,Conti71,Conti73,Conti74,Bisiacchi76,Bisiacchi82,Garcia89 O9IV: Walborn72 B7Ib: Houk99 Consistent classification as O9 subtype, and all as dwarf except Walborn72, and extreme outlier B7Ib by Houk. M91: V=6.418+-0.008, (B-V)=-0.189+-0.006, U-B=-1.026+-0.004 => updated Q-method (1/2020) => (B-V)o=-0.314, (U-B)o=-1.114, E(B-V)= 0.125, Av=0.401. Note that the Houk classification propagated to the XHIP and Wright03 catalogs. I would think this would be of serious astrophysical consequence if the B7Ib classification was correct! Teffs: 31800K(Kilian94), 33000K(Rauw12), 33715K(U-Bo=>Bessell98), 34500+-1000K(Martins11), 34500+-1000K(Grunhut09), ">35000K"(Buss95) => median Teff = 34108K. logg=3.85(Kilian94), logg=4.0+-0.2(Grunhut09), logg=4.00+-0.20(Martins11). [Fe/H]=0.01(Kilian94). logL=4.79+-0.25(Martins11). # Deprecated Standards HD 93028 = Cl Collinder 228 27 O9V: Jaschek78(Walborn72),Walborn73,Herbst76,Walborn90(stan) *O9IV: Sota14 O9/B0V: Alexander16 O8.5V: Levato81 O8/9.5: Houk75 O8.5III: Massey01 O9I: Feast57,Beer61,Graham70 O9III: Humphreys73 While this is considered a O9V standard by Walborn90, there is surprising scatter in the luminosity class for this object. While none of the temperature types vary by more than +-0.5 from O9, there are multiple studies calling this object a supergiant or giant. Given the availability of higher pedigree O9V standards, I'm calling this a "weak standard". M91: V=8.366+-0.016, B-V=-0.069+-0.011, U-B=-0.936+-0.034 => revised Q-method (1/2020) => (B-V)o=-0.312, (U-B)o=-1.110, E(B-V)= 0.243, Av=0.784. One of Walborn90's O9V standards. Distance to Collinder 228 is 2201 pc (Dias+2001 catalog) => plx = 0.454 mas. Star is surprisingly lightly reddened for such a large distance. Hence, Mv ~ -3.41 mag, logL ~ 4.50 dex. Teffs: 33000K(Povich11), 33500+-1000K(Fitzpatrick07), 35900K(Snow94) => median Teff = 33500K. logg=4.02+-0.15(Fitzpatrick07). Mass = 24.0 Msun(Snow94). logL=4.86(Povich11). HD 52266 = ALS 9246 = MCW 494 O9V: Houk,JM53,Morgan55,Hiltner56a,Hiltner56b,Garcia89 O9IV(n): Walborn73 O9.5V: Conti71,Conti73,Conti74 O9.5III: Bisiacchi82 *O9.5IIIn: Sota11 B5Ia/b: Houk99 Included in JM53 and Garcia89 compendia of standards, but the classification drifted after JM53. Weak pedigree for a standard star. This is another odd case (similar to HD 57682) where the Houk classification is for a mid-B supergiant, while all others consider it a late O. M91: V=7.205+-0.025, B-V=-0.035+-0.025, U-B=-0.905+-0.005 => updated Q-method (1/2020) => (B-V)o=-0.310, (U-B)o=-1.102, E(B-V)= 0.275, Av=0.887. Hiltner56a = 1956ApJ...124..367H. Hiltner56b = 1956ApJS....2..389H. Teffs: 32750+-1000K(Fitzpatrick07). logg=3.75+-0.25(Fitzpatrick07). Mass = 15.15 Msun(Hohle10). HD 209481 = 14 Cep = HR 8406 = ALS 12096 O9V: Jaschek78(JM53),Jaschek64(most),Lesh68(O9Vn),Garcia89,Walborn73(O9V:) *O9IV(n)+B1:V:: Sota11 O8.5III+O9.5V: Conti71 O6/7IV: Zorec09 B0: Cannon Spectroscopic binary (O8.5III+O9.5V; 1971ApJ...170..325C). M91: V=5.561+-0.021, B-V=0.060+-0.011, U-B=-0.860+-0.007 => updated Q-method (10/8/2011) => (B-V)o=-0.318, (U-B)o=-1.130, E(B-V)= 0.378, Av=1.219. # Other Stars Walborn72 classifies three stars as O9V or variant: HD 93028 (O9V), HD 214680 (O9V) and HD 193322AB (O9V:((n))). Lesh68 classifies four stars as O9V or variant: HD 193322, HD 209481, HD 214680, HD 57682.