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Notations and Commands

The tensor notation is easy to understand. , the two indices are down. To have one up you use up. A partial derivative is indicated by pup or pdn, a covariant derivative by cup and cdn.

The Riemann tensor is R(with 4 indices), the Einstein tensor is represent as G(two indices), the Weyl tensor as C (4 indices) the Christoffel symbol as Chr ( 3indices)...

For example is notated .

The most common command are

>qload ( kerr ):
>grcalc ( R(dn,dn) ):

This first loads the Kerr metric (predefined) and then calculates the component of the Ricci tensor.

>grdisplay( R(dn,dn) ):

It displays the components without any simplification.

>gralter ( R(dn,dn), trig ):
>grdisplay( R(dn,dn) ):

Now trigonometric simplifications are done. There are some others simplifications possible (Maple facilities).

The coordinate changes are also done by GR-Tensor.

>grtransform (schw, kruskal, xform := [
 u(r,t) = sqrt(r/(2*m)-1)*exp(r/(4*m))*cosh(t/(4*m)),
 v(r,t) = sqrt(r/(2*m)-1)*exp(r/(4*m))*sinh(t/(4*m)),
 Theta(theta) = theta, Phi(phi) = phi ] ):

This give the Schwarzschild metric in the Kruskal coordinates.

Peggy Varniere
Fri Jul 24 11:57:38 EDT 1998