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A Global Structure?


By global structure one means some general properties of the underlying spacetime. The research of a global structure is equivalent to studying space, time and gravitation in a more general way.

The major ideas of that study are in a few (10) definitions (given in gif page gif), some theorems, that show the relations between the definitions, and examples, which show what does not hold between the definitions.

An important thing is the large place given to example and counter-example compared to the theorem. There is no key theorem; the proofs are long and require much technical work ! But the example are here to have an idea, before trying to prove something you try to find a counter-example. If you cannot find one, then you would research a proof.

The idea of global structure is to find what is the appropriate manifold  (definition gif page gif) for our universe. The aim was to rule out most of the manifolds by using some physical argument. It turns out to be not so easy. What General Relativity requires is true for most of the manifold! (By manifold we mean a manifold without boundary , Hausdorff , connected  and paracompact . definitions gif, gif, gif page gif)

General Relativity require a Lorentz  metric (signature n-2). All the paracompact manifold have a such metric. But we don't want a Lorentz metric, we want something flat enough to model our universe. Again, most of the manifolds are still possible.

The aim of studying global structure is to understand and prove the singularity theorems  that we will study in chapter gif page gif.

Peggy Varniere
Fri Jul 24 11:57:38 EDT 1998