Jan 15 2004

S_100_75_300 E=(0.1,0) at T=0.001,0.002 and 0.003

Two ground states

Two possible grounds states are with the same energy barrier to move one particle one step along x or y direction, both with E(dx=1) = 0.06271, E(dy=1) = 0.06252.

Ground state 1 Ground state 2

The same calculations are performed on S_50_50_100 and we got E(dx=1) = E(dy=1) = 0.06218.

Structure function at T=0.001, 0.002 and 0.003

The ground state 1 with external field E=0.1 has been run at T=0.001, 0.002 and 0.003 respectively. There were 10100 passes with the first 100 discarded. Below are their structure functions. The peak values are normalized so that the autocorrelation peak (not shown) is Nc.

T Max peak height 3D structure funciton 2D density plot of structure funciton
0.001 299.999
0.002 299.921
0.003 299.246
0.004 148.093
0.005 23.2657