Jan 15 2004

Fist move of the square lattice

When a electric field along x direction larger than the interaction barrier is applied to the ground state, all particles have equal chance to move one site along the x direction. We just randomly pick one (labeled i) by setting x[i] = x[i]+1. Then we calculate the energy difference of all particles to move one site along the x direction. In the following pictures, the green particle is the one already moved, and the red ones are those with the lowest energy difference so that they will move next.

Ground state 1 of S_100_75_300

dEp = 0.04297

Ground state 2 of S_100_75_300

dEp = 0.04297


dEp = 0.04139

Energy barriers to move particles sequencially

Starting from the ground state, we compute the energy barriers to move particles from x to x+1. Then we actually move the one with minimum energy one step forward. When multiple particles have the same minimum energy, we just randomly pick one. The following is the minimum energy barrier at each step.