Feb 12 2004

Runs of S_50_50_100 from both a ground state and random states

The simulations are with E=(0.1,0) at T=0.004 from both a ground state and random states. The program has been modified to save more digits of Green function values, and the site potentials are recalculated every 10^7 steps. The following shows the runs with the old program running 2001000 passes with the first 1000 passes discarded, and the runs with new program running 201000 passes with the first 1000 passes discarded.

Initial state Max peak height 3D structure function Intensity structure function Ep Phi6
Ground_long_run(old) 29.7127
Random_long_run(old) 58.8091
Ground_short_run(new) 49.5141
Random_short_run(new) 58.7586