Feb 20 2004

Equilibration of S_100_100_400, S_150_150_900, and S_200_200_1600 at T=0.004 with E=(0.1,0) initialized from the duplication of S_50_50_100

One of the equilibrated configurations of S_50_50_100 has been duplicated to fill the lattice of S_100_100_400. This initial configuration then ran for 10^4 passes to see if it equilibrates. Similar runs have also been performed on S_150_150_900 and S_200_200_1600 for 2000 passes.

The configuration of S_50_50_100

Corresponding initial configuration of S_100_100_400

Size Passes Max peak height 3D structure function Intensity structure function Phi6 Potential energy
100x100 10^4 399.993
150x150 2000 899.963
200x200 2000 1599.91