March 14 2004

T_56_56_64 at T=0.0065 with E=(0.1,0)

The triangular lattice of 56*56 with f=1/49 has been cooled down slowly by Metropolis MC to T=0.0065 (2.2*10^5 passes at each T with the first 0.2*10^5 discarded, and the step of T is 0.0001), which forms a floating solid state. Then the equilibrated configuration went through Albert's alogrithm for 1.01*10^5 passes (first 1000 passes were discarded) with external field of E=(0.1,0). The same procedure was performed with a random initial configuration for comparison.

The first row of the table below is the results of the floating solid (without external field). The second row is those of the driven steady state with initial configuration the floating solid. The third row is those initialized from a random state.

Case Max peak height 3D structure function 2D Intensity plot of structure function Phi6 Potential energy
Equilibrium floating solid 22.3475
Initialized from floating solid 21.2023
Initialized from random config 20.6485
Initialized from the ground state 21.9194

Structure function of the ordered part

The configurations of the "equilibrium floating solid" whose phi6 is larger than 0.6 have been selected out to calculate the structure function.