March 30 2004

Equilibration of T_56_56_64 at T=0.006 with basic MC

The ground state of T_56_56_64 went through a short and a long runs at T=0.006 with the Metropolis MC alrogithm seperately. The short run has 10^5 sweeps (1 sweep = Nc steps = 1/f passes) proceded with 3*10^4 sweeps discarded. The long run is with 100 times of sweeps.

Sweeps Max peak height 3D structure function Intensity structure function Phi6 Potential energy
10^5 37.8144
10^7 33.226

Profile of S(k1=0, k2) of the short run

Distributions of phi6 and Ep from the long run

Seperate structure functions for Phi6 > 0.6 and phi6 < 0.4 from the long run

Phi6 Max peak height 3D structure function Intensitry plot of structure function
Phi6 > 0.6 38.3004
Phi6 < 0.4 13.3182