July 30 2004

1D elastic model with K=0.05 for dilute system (f=1/7)

To evaluate the correlation length of the dilute systems, a 1D elastic model with driven force has been established with the hamiltonion of

H = 1/2 * K * SUMi [ |ri+1 - ri| - r0 ]^2 - SUMi Ei

where r is the position of particles, and E is the external driven force. K is chosen to be 0.05 so that the decay of pair correlation function matches the results of C(x,y=0) of the dilute systems.

Comparison of 1D elastic string and 2D coulomb gas

1D elastic string with bigger sizes

Correlation value at L/2 vs. L

L is the system size. If the data can be fit in a straight line as shown below, L should be 1082 to let the correlation value to be near 0.