Octobor 29 2003

Test run for 100*100 square lattice with f=1/20

The simulation program has been written without external electric field and with basic Monte Carlo algorithm. At each simulation step, the particle is attempted to move to one of its nearest neighbor site. A square lattice with size 100*100 and 500 particles have been cooled down from T=0.0120 to T=0.0060 with the temperature step of 0.0005. At each temperature level, the system went through 10^4 MC passes ( 1 pass = Lx*Ly steps ). The simulation time for each temperature ranges from about 40 min to 90 min.

From the following results we can see the melting transition happens at 0.0090 <= Tm <= 0.0095.

One configuratio at T=0.0060

One configuration at T=0.0120

Average acceptance ratio

Structure function S(k)

The bonds have been counted once every 100 configurations. The values S(k1, k2) have been projected to S(k1).