November 04 2003

Test run for 50*50 square lattice with f=1/25

The program has been revised so that S(k) is got correctly. A square lattice with size 50*50 and 100 particles have been cooled down from T=0.0095 to T=0.0055 with the temperature step of 0.0001. At each temperature level, the system went through 2*10^5 MC passes ( 1 pass = Lx*Ly steps ). The simulation time for each temperature ranges from about 40 min to 90 min.

Last configuration at T=0.0094

Last configuration at T=0.0055

Average acceptance ratio

Avearge total potential energy

The potential energy was averaged from 1000 saved values.

Order Parameter Phi4

Phi4 was averaged over 100 saved configurations.

Structure function

T 3D Plot Intensity Plot

Pair correlation function in liquid (T=0.0095)