A5III HD 73210 is the best A5III standard (southernly accessible too). MK43 standards: bet Tri - A5III alf Oph - A5III JM53 standards: bet Tri - A5III alf Oph - A5III Cowley69 standards: bet Tri - A5III alf Oph - A5III MK78 standard: del Cas (=HD 8538) - A5III-IV GrayGarrison89 standard: HD 73210 - A5III(low vsini) GrayNstars standard: HD 73210 - A5III (J-H)(A5III) = 0.065 (+-0.037 sem, +-0.075 stdev) ; N=6 A5III from Skiff compendium w/i 15deg of NGP, 2MASS photometry AAA flags (J-H)(A5III) = 0.039 ; smoothed relation from giants in Skiff compnedium w/i 15 deg of NGP, 2MASS photometry AAA flags => adopt (J-H)(A5III) = 0.039 [updated 10/30/2020] (H-Ks)(A5III) = 0.020 (+-0.014 sem, +-0.029 stdev) ; N=6 A5III from Skiff compendium w/i 15deg of NGP, 2MASS photometry AAA flags (H-Ks)(A5III) = 0.032 ; smoothed relation from giants in Skiff compnedium w/i 15 deg of NGP, 2MASS photometry AAA flags => adopt (H-Ks)(A5III) = 0.032 [updated 10/30/2020] (B-V)(A5III) = 0.140 ; HIP 10064 A5III 1995ApJS...99..135A => adopt (B-V)(A5III) = 0.14 [updated 10/30/2020] Mv(A5III) = 0.05 ; HIP 10064 A5III 1995ApJS...99..135A [EEM 10/30/2020: note Mv(A5V) = 2.01] # No standard GrayGarrison89 list a low vsini standard, but no high vsini standard. Morgan65 and Houk do not list a A5III standard. # Standard HD 73210 = HIP 42327 = Cl* NGC 2632 S 26 (J0837+1916; V=6.7) *A5III: GrayGarrison89(low vsini stan.),Abt04,GrayNstars A5V: Jaschek64,Reiberot66,Jaschek78(Bidelman56) A5: Cannon,Ramberg50 A6V: Adams35 A7IV: Wilson50,Abt86 A3: Ljungren61 Bright member of Praesepe cluster (Robichon et al. 1999). Spectroscopic binary: Abt99 lists K1=20.7 km/s and K2=64.5 km/s, period = 12.0 days. Approximately 1.8 magnitudes above MS (Mv = 0.14). SMARTS 1.5-m spectra in hand (26Ia blue, 47Ib red). # Weak standard del Cas = HD 8538 = 37 Cas = HR 403 = HIP 6686 A5V: Cannon(A5),MK53,JM53,Jaschek64,Morgan65,Cowley69(stan),Jaschek78,Kennedy83, A5III-IV: Garcia89,Hoffleit91 A5III/IV: MK78 A5IV: GrayGarrison89,Gray01 Morgan65 lists del Cas as a "fundamental A5 classification standard" w/ bet Ari *Everyone* calls this A5-something par(HIP)=32.8+-1.5 mas, D~30pc (Local Bubble), B-V=0.160, dMv=-1.6mag (near turnoff) Probably should be considered excellent "A5IV" standard bet Tri = HD 13161 (J0209+3459; V=3.0) A5IV: GrayGarrison89,Gray01 A5III: MK43,JM53(SB:), Jaschek64(all) A5: Cannon(stan),Olson69 *All* agree on A5 subtype (indeed it is the HD standard, Cannon 1918). B-V = 0.140, HIP2 => Mv=0.05, 1.71 mag above MS. Skiff lists Maury & Pickering (1897) listing "A5IV". It is situated right at the end of the main sequence on the HR diagram. I adopt Gray's "A5IV" types.