M3.5V Note that Rabus19 points out a discontinuity in the region Teff=3200K-3340K where M dwarf radii 0.18 to 0.42 Rsun. M3.5V (Teff ~ 3260K) is right in the middle of this region, and indeed there are interferometric radii for M3.5Vs ranging from ~0.20 to ~0.37 Rsun. Mann15 fits a trend through the middle of the swarm, and I adopt his [Fe/H] fit to guide the mean HRD point for M3.5V as function of M_Ks. Boeshaar76 standard: GJ 251 - M3.5 (Plate II standard) Boeshaar85 standard: GJ 725B - M3.5V (in Table II) GJ 251 - M3.5V (in text) Kirkpatrick91 standards: GJ 273 - M3.5V (primary standard) GJ 725B - M3.5V (primary standard) GJ 669A - M3.5V (secondary stan.) GJ 748AB - M3.5V (secondary stan.) GJ 643 - M3.5V (secondary stan.) GJ 734B - M3.5V (secondary stan.) Kirkpatrick94 standards: GJ 725B (=HD 173740) - M3.5V GJ 873 (BD+43_4305) - M3.5V Henry02 standards: GJ 15B - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 105B - M3.5V (cites Henry94) G099-049 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) LHS 1805 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 273 - M3.5V (cites Kirkpatrick91) GJ 300 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 445 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 555 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 643 - M3.5V (cites Kirkpatrick91) G203-47AB - M3.5VJ (cites Henry94) GJ 725B - M3.5V (cites Kirkpatrick91) GJ 729 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 829AB - M3.5VJ (cites Henry94) GJ 873 - M3.5V (cites Henry94) GJ 876 - M3.5VJ (cites Henry94)[but "J" because planet?] GJ 896AC - M3.5VJ (cites Henry94) GrayAtlas standard: GJ 15B (=BD+43_44B) - M3.5V Kirkpatrick(GrayCorbally09) stan: Gl 752B - M3.5V (pri.) Henry02 lists *12* M3.5V standards and 4 M3.5VJ standards. Three come from Kirkpatrick91 (GJ 273, 643, 725B). RECONS lists shows GJ 729 (J1849-2350) as the nearest M3.5V star, followed by GJ 725B (J1842+5937), GJ 15B (J0018+4401), & GJ 876A (J2253-1415). The eclipsing M3.5Ve+M3.5Ve binary CU Cnc has T = 3140 +- 150 K (Ribas03). (V-I)(M3.5V) = 2.65 ; Hawley96 (M3.5V) = 4.17 (+-0.33 stdev) ; Lepine12 (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 4.688 ; pri. stan. GJ 752B (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 4.81 ; deprecated stan. GJ 748AB (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 4.836 ; ter. stan. GJ 445 (V-K)(M3.5V) = 4.9 ; Hawley96 (V-K)(M3.5V) = 4.925 ; halfway between M3V(4.60) & M4V(5.25) (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 4.970 ; sec. stan. GJ 669A (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 4.975 ; deprecated stan. GJ 273 (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 5.035 ; sec. stan. GJ 643 (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 5.097 ; sec. stan. GJ 3378 (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 5.125 ; ter. stan. GJ 729 (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 5.17 ; exemplar GJ 876 (V-Ks)(M3.5V)= 5.407 ; ter. stan. GJ 555 => adopt (V-Ks)(M3.5V) = 5.00 [updated 3/8/2018] => adopt (U-B)(M3.5V) = 1.200 => adopt (V-I)(M3.5V) = 2.680 => adopt (V-R)(M3.5V) = 1.178 => adopt (R-I)(M3.5V) = 1.503 => adopt (V-J)(M3.5V) = 4.173 => adopt (V-H)(M3.5V) = 4.731 => adopt (H-Ks)(M3.5V) = 0.269 => adopt (J-H)(M3.5V) = 0.558 => adopt (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.266 (G-J)(M3.5V) = 2.649 ; Bentley18/interp (G-Ks)(M3.5V) = 3.501 ; Bentley18/interp (Ks-W2)(M3.5V) = 0.311 ; Bentley18/interp (W1-W2)(M3.5V) = 0.156 ; Bentley18/interp (Ks-W1)(M3.5V) = 0.140 ; Best18 (Ks-W1)(M3.5V) = 0.155 ; Bentley18/interp (Ks-W1)(M3.5V) = 0.169 ; Avenhaus12 for V-Ks=5.00 (Ks-W1)(M3.5V) = 0.175 ; fit to Winters15 data for V-Ks=5.00 => adopt (Ks-W1)(M3.5V) = 0.17 [updated 12/29/2019] (M3.5V) = 1.47 ; Fitzgerald70 (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.556 ; sec. stan. GJ 669A (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.563 ; Koen10 median d<25pc M3.5V (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.588 ; pri. stan. GJ 725B (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.595 ; ter. stan. GJ 445 (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.592 ; exemplar GJ 876 = LHS 530 (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.60 ; sec. stan. GJ 3378 (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.623 ; ter. stan. GJ 555 (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.676 ; sec. stan. GJ 643 (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.740 ; ter. stan. GJ 729 => adopt (B-V)(M3.5V) = 1.60 [updated 7/5/2020] (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.1731 ; V*_GQ_And_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3V) = 2.50 ; M3V mean (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.5466 ; BD-05_5715_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.5863 ; L_205-128_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.6280 ; GJ_725B pri. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.6564 ; Wolf_1062_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.6614 ; G_48-20_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.6677 ; BD+19_5116A_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.6726 ; Ross_837_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.6897 ; GJ_669A sec. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7014 ; V*_FL_Aqr_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7059 ; GJ_445 ter. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7155 ; L_737-9_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7176 ; CD-44_3045_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7625 ; Wolf_437_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7835 ; GJ_643 sec. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7952 ; G_111-47_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.7975 ; GJ_3378 sec. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8154 ; BD-15_6290_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8377 ; GJ_729 ter. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8437 ; G_19-7_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8643 ; V*_BX_Cet_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8799 ; V*_V374_Peg_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8812 ; G_203-47_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.8873 ; CD-44_11909_ M3.5 (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.9055 ; G_99-49_ M3.5Ve (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.9325 ; GJ_555 ter. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M4V) = 2.95 ; M4V mean (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.9537 ; L_674-15_ M3.5V (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V)= 2.9770 ; G_36-24_ M3.5Ve => adopt (Bp-Rp)(M3.5V) = 2.78 [updated 11/18/2020] Note: primary standard GJ 725B is somewhat bluer than most other M3.5V stars and standards (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.0340 ; V*_GQ_And_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1389 ; BD-05_5715_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1494 ; L_205-128_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1620 ; G_48-20_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1630 ; GJ_725B pri. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1679 ; V*_FL_Aqr_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1683 ; Wolf_1062_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1698 ; GJ_669A sec. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1702 ; BD+19_5116A_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1715 ; Ross_837_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1723 ; GJ_445 ter. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1879 ; L_737-9_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.190 ; color trend M0V-M9V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1917 ; Wolf_437_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1926 ; GJ_643 sec. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.1973 ; GJ_3378 sec. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2004 ; G_111-47_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2087 ; G_19-7_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2095 ; V*_BX_Cet_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2130 ; GJ_729 ter. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2135 ; BD-15_6290_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2162 ; V*_V374_Peg_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2172 ; GJ_555 ter. stan. (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2228 ; G_99-49_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2264 ; G_203-47_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2318 ; L_674-15_ M3.5V (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2342 ; CD-44_11909_ M3.5 (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2471 ; G_36-24_ M3.5Ve (G-Rp)(M3.5V)= 1.2759 ; CD-44_3045_ M3.5V => adopt (G-Rp)(M3.5V) = 1.19 [updated 11/18/2020] => adopt (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.59 [updated 11/189/2019; Bp-Rp=2.78, G-Rp=1.19] (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.4650 ; GJ_725B (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.5200 ; GJ_669A (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.5336 ; GJ_445 (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.5909 ; GJ_643 (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.6003 ; GJ_3378 (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.6247 ; GJ_729 (Bp-G)(M3.5V) = 1.7153 ; GJ_555 (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.4382 ; GJ_555 (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.3691 ; GJ_729 (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.3236 ; GJ_643 (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.28 ; M3.5V SIMBAD d<20pc trend V-Ks vs. G-V for V-Ks=5.0 (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.2547 ; GJ_669A (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.2498 ; GJ_445 (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.211 ; polynomial fit to SIMBAD d<25pc M dwarfs (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.1664 ; GJ_725B => adopt (G-V)(M3.5V) = -1.28 [updated 11/1/2020; M_G=10.87, Mv=12.15] => adopt (G-Ks)(M3.5V) = 5.00 + -1.28 = 3.72 [updated 7/17/2020] (g-r)(M3.5V) = 1.47 ; Covey07 interp M3V 1.46, M4V 1.48 (r-i)(M3.5V) = 1.436 (+-0.05 rms) ; West05 fit for (V-Ic)=2.68 (i-z)(M3.5V) = 0.747 ; poly fit to d<75pc M dwarfs in SIMBAD for G-Ks=3.72 (z-J)(M3.5V) = 1.541 (+-0.028 rms) ; poly fit to d<100pc GCNS for G-Ks=3.72 Mv(M3.5V) = 11.07 ; sec. stan. GJ 699A Mv(M3.5V) = 11.21 ; Koen10 d<25pc median M3.5V (note: limited by HIP) Mv(M3.5V) = 11.75 ; EEM fit to Jao2016 Gaia data (V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 11.83 ; EEM fit to Reid CNS3 data (V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 12.00 ; pri. stan. GJ 725B Mv(M3.5V) = 12.01 ; EEM fit to MS data(V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 12.05 ; Finch14(V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 12.05 ; Kirkpatrick94 Mv(M3.5V) = 12.08 ; EEM fit to Winters+2015 data (V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 12.10 ; M_Ks=7.10, V-Ks=5.00 Mv(M3.5V) = 12.19 ; Henry04(V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 12.20 ; Johnson09(V-Ks=5.00) Mv(M3.5V) = 12.36 ; sec. stan. GJ 3368 Mv(M3.5V) = 12.43 ; ter. stan. GJ 555 Mv(M3.5V) = 12.62 ; ter. stan. GJ 634 Mv(M3.5V) = 13.15 ; ter. stan. GJ 729 => adopt Mv(M3.5V) = 12.10 [updated 11/15/2021] (M_Ks=7.10, V-Ks=5.0) => adopt M_G(M3.5V) = 10.82 [updated 11/15/2021] (Mv=12.10, G-V=-1.28) => adopt M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.10 [updated 11/15/2021] (Mv=12.10, V-Ks=5.00] M_G(M3.5V) = 8.95265 ; HD 152751 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.0547 ; BD+19 5116A M_G(M3.5V) = 10.5257 ; BD-15 6290 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.558 ; Wolf 437 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.6946 ; BD+05 1668 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.7315 ; L 205-128 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.759 ; trend SIMBAD d<10pc sample M_G(M3.5V) = 10.7875 ; HD 173740 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.82 ; Mv=12.10, G-V=-1.28 M_G(M3.5V) = 10.9011 ; BD-11 3759 M_G(M3.5V) = 11.0246 ; V* BX Cet M_G(M3.5V) = 11.0719 ; CD-44 11909 M_G(M3.5V) = 11.0932 ; G 203-47 M_G(M3.5V) = 11.3143 ; G 99-49 M_G(M3.5V) = 11.3715 ; Wolf 629 M_G(M3.5V) = 11.7585 ; Ross 154 M_G(M3.5V) = 11.9189 ; V* GQ And M_Ks(M3.5V) = 6.10 ; sec. stan. GJ 699A M_Ks(M3.5V) = 6.75 ; EEM fit to Jao2016 (V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 6.83 ; EEM fit to Reid CNS3 data (V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.01 ; EEM fit to MS data(V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.05 ; Finch14(V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.08 ; EEM fit to Winters+2015(V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.10 ; Mv=12.10, V-Ks=5.00 M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.19 ; Henry04(V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.20 ; Johnson09(V-Ks=5.00) M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.27 ; sec. stan. GJ 3378 M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.31 ; pri. stan. GJ 725B M_Ks(M3.5V) = 7.59 ; sec. stan. GJ 643 M_Ks(M3.5V) = 8.03 ; ter. stan. GJ 729 [EEM: Note remarkable range of absolute magnitudes among *standards: 6.1 < M_Ks < 8.0!] Teff(M3.5V) = 3391 K ; Passegger18 median Teff for CARMENES M3.5Vs(N=45) Teff(M3.5V) = 3378 K ; Boyajian12 calibration for V-Ks=5.00 Teff(M3.5V) = 3320 +- 66 K ; Lepine12 Teff(M3.5V) = 3319 K ; sec. stan. GJ 669A Teff(M3.5V) = 3317 K ; deprecated stan. GJ 273 Teff(M3.5V) = 3306 K ; Rajpurojit18 (mean for N=39 M3.5Vs) Teff(M3.5V) = 3300 K ; sec. stan. GJ 3378 Teff(M3.5V) = 3300 K ; ter. stan. GJ 643 Teff(M3.5V) = 3300 K ; halfway between M3V(3400K) and M4V(3300K) Teff(M3.5V) = 3280 K ; empirical L-R relation, for logL=-2.072 Teff(M3.5V) = 3280 K ; exemplar GJ 876 = LHS 530 Teff(M3.5V) = 3290 K ; pri. stan. GJ 725B Teff(M3.5V) = 3280 K ; deprecated standard GJ 896AC (median Teff) Teff(M3.5V) = 3270 K ; Rad=0.293Rsun for Mann15 calib for M_Ks=7.15, [Fe/H]=0.0 Teff(M3.5V) = 3253 K ; deprecated stan. GJ 273 (Rabus19 interferometry) Teff(M3.5V) = 3240 K ; ter. stan. GJ 729 Teff(M3.5V) = 3218 K ; Morrell19 for stars w/i +-0.05 mag of M_Ks=7.20 Teff(M3.5V) = 3200 K ; Rajpurohit13(N=8) Teff(M3.5V) = 3200 K ; ter. stan. GJ 755 Teff(M3.5V) = 3104 +- 28 K ; Boyajian12b (N=1) => adopt Teff(M3.5V) = 3270 K (logT = 3.515) [updated 7/17/2020] BCv(M3.5V) = -2.101 +- 0.014 ; standard GJ 725B (Pecaut13) BCv(M3.5V) = -2.225 ; Pecaut13(V-Ks=5.00) BCv(M3.5V) = -2.228 ; deprecated stan. GJ 273 (below) BCv(M3.5V) = -2.28 ; BC_Ks=2.72, V-Ks=5.00 BCv(M3.5V) = -2.283 ; Mann15(V-J=4.173) BCv(M3.5V) = -2.334 ; ter. stan. GJ 729 (calc. using Rabus19) BCv(M3.5V) = -2.375 ; exemplar GJ 876 (calc. using Rabus19) => adopt BCv(M3.5V) = -2.28 [updated 7/17/2020; BC_Ks=2.72, V-Ks=5.00] BC_Ks(M3.5V) = 2.794 ; exemplar GJ 876 (calc. using Rabus19) BC_Ks(M3.5V) = 2.791 ; ter. stan. GJ 729 (calc. using Rabus19) BC_K(M3.5V) = 2.775 ; Pecaut13(V-Ks=5.00) BC_K(M3.5V) = 2.734 ; Mann15(V-J=4.173) BC_K(M3.5V) = 2.72 ; LHS102A (Golimowski04) BC_Ks(M3.5V) = 2.715 ; Morrell19 trend for G-Ks=3.71 BC_K(M3.5V) = 2.587 +- 0.026 mag ; standard GJ 725B (Pecaut13) [mbol=7.587+-0.013, Ks=5.000+-0.023] => adopt BC_Ks(M3.5V) = 2.72 [updated 7/17/2020] logL(M3.5V) = -1.72 ; sec. stan. GJ 669A(Newton15) logL(M3.5V) = -2.033 ; pri. stan. GJ 752B(Newton15) logL(M3.5V) = -2.032 ; M_Ks=7.10, BC_Ks=2.72, Mbol=9.820 logL(M3.5V) = -2.076 ; Morrell19 trend for logL for M_Ks=7.20 => adopt logL(M3.5V) = -2.032 [updated 11/15/2021] => adopt Mbol(M3.5V) = 9.820 [updated 11/15/2021] Mass(M3.5V) = 0.17 Msun ; ter. stan. GJ 729 Mass(M3.5V) = 0.179+-0.002 Msun ; GJ1005AB, pri. mass, unresolved M3.5V (Benedict16) Mass(M3.5V) = 0.25 Msun ; sec. stan. GJ 3378 Mass(M3.5V) = 0.277 Msun ; Mann18 calib. for M_Ks=7.10 Mass(M3.5V) = 0.277 Msun ; pri. stan. GJ725B (Mann15) Mass(M3.5V) = 0.291 Msun ; Benedict16 calibration for M_Ks=7.10 Mass(M3.5V) = 0.302 Msun ; Eker18 calibration for logL=-2.032 Mass(M3.5V) = 0.341 Msun ; exemplar GJ 876 (Mann15) Mass(M3.5V) = 0.379 Msun ; deprecated stan. GJ 748AB Mass(M3.5V) = 0.385 Msun ; Eker15 calibration for logL=-2.032 Mass(M3.5V) = 0.433+-0.002 Msun ; GJ 2069A (Benedict16) => adopt Mass(M3.5V) = 0.28 Msun [updated 11/15/2021] Rad(M3.5V) = 0.205+-0.006 Rsun ; ter. stan. GJ 729 (Rabus19) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.225 Rsun ; Rabus19 trend for Teff=3280K [low trend] Rad(M3.5V) = 0.2999 Rsun ; Mann15 trend M_Ks=7.10, [Fe/H]=0.0 Rad(M3.5V) = 0.300 Rsun ; Teff=3270K, logL=-2.032 Rad(M3.5V) = 0.310+-0.013 Rsun ; ter. stan. GJ 555 = HIP 71253 (Yee17) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.320 Rsun ; Rabus19 trend for Teff=3280K [high trend] Rad(M3.5V) = 0.320+-0.005 Rsun ; deprecated stan. GJ 273 (Rabus19) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.323+-0.006 Rsun ; pri. stan. GJ 725B = LHS 59 (Yee17) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.3232+- 0.0061 Rsun ; Boyajian12b (N=1, presum. GJ 725B) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.328 Rsun ; pri. stan. GJ 725B (Newton14) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.354+-0.005 Rsun ; exemplar GJ 876 (Rabus19) Rad(M3.5V) = 0.373 Rsun ; sec. stan. GJ 669A (Newton14) => adopt Rad(M3.5V) = 0.300 Rsun [updated 11/15/2021] # Primary Standard GJ 725B = LHS 59 = HD 173740 = HIP 91772 = Struve 2398B *M3.5V: Turnshek85,Boeshaar85(dM3.5),Kirkpatrick91(pri),Kirkpatrick94,Hawley97,Henry02,Geballe02,Kirkpatrick(GrayCorbally09)(pri),Dieterich12 M4.5V: Joy74 M4V: Wilson52,Newton14(near-IR) M5V: Adams26 plx= 289.48+-3.21 mas(vanLeeuwen07), plx=283.8624+-0.1065mas(GaiaDR2). Teffs: 3395K(Soubiran08,Frasca09), 3334+-66K(Gaidos14), 3345+-60K(Mann15), 3304K(Cenarro11), 3295+-81K(Newton15#2), 3290K(Lepine13), 3288K(Rojas-Ayala12,Frasca15), 3218+-12K(Pecaut13), 3172K(Jenkins09), 3170+-71K(Valenti98), 3142+-29K(Newton15#1), 3104+-28K(Boyajian12) => adopt 3290K. mbol=7.587+-0.013(Pecaut13), V=9.688+-0.006(Mermilliod91), J=5.721+-0.020(2MASS), H=5.197+-0.024(2MASS), Ks=5.00+-0.023(2MASS), B-V=1.588+0.006(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.59(Gliese91), B-V=1.561+-0.005(HIP), U-B=1.138+-0.010(Mermilliod91), V-Ks = 4.688(Mermilliod91,2MASS). Mv=11.996+-0.025(HIP,vanLeeuwen07). M_Ks=7.308+-0.033(2MASS,vanLeeuwen07). 13.2" away from primary GJ725A. [Fe/H]=-0.92+-0.07(Valenti98), -0.38(Jenkins09), -0.30+-0.08(Mann15), -0.25+-0.12(Rojas-Ayala12). LogL=-2.0329+-0.0052(Newton15). Rad=0.281+-0.030 Rsun(Newton15), 0.273+-0.011 Rsun(Mann15). Mass=0.248+-0.025 Msun(Mann15). Companion is GJ 725A (HIP 91768). Note that the assignment of "A" and "B" is confused in some works, but the CNS3 Gliese91 catalog clearly identifies Gl 725 A as V=8.90 "dM4" star, and Gl 725 B as a V=9.71 "dM5" star. Boyajian12 lists tetLD=0.851+-0.015mas. Boyajian12+HIP2=> Rad=0.322Rsun. # Secondary Standards GJ 669A = V647 Her = Ross 868 = StKM 2-1312 A = DO 15925 *M3.5V: Boeshaar85, Kirkpatrick91(sec),Hawley97,Lepine13 M3: Stephenson86, Newton14(IR) M4Ve: Joy74,Stocke91,Houdebine12(dM4e) M5.0: Jenkins09 plx=86.3+-3.1mas(Newton15), plx=86.27+-4.10mas(vanLeeuwen07). V=11.26(HIP, unresolved?), V=11.392+-0.033(Mermilliod91), V=11.340(Hartman11), B-V=1.556+-0.007(Mermilliod91), U-B=1.168+-0.017(Mermilliod91), J=7.273+-0.020, H=6.710+-0.031, Ks=6.422+-0.018(2MASS). V-Ks = 11.392-6.422 = 4.97. Mv=11.07+-0.09 (using plx=86.3, V=11.392). M_Ks=6.10+-0.08. Teffs: 3150+-50K(Houdebine12), 3260K(Lepine13), 3319+-100K(Houdebine16), 3345+-63K(Muirhead18), 3423+-77K(Newton15) => median Teff = 3319K. Radius: 0.373+-0.028Rsun(Newton15). logL=-1.72+-0.05dex(Newton15). [Fe/H]=0.31,0.34(Newton15). Companion is GJ 669B=V639 Her. Lepine13 appears to have the spectral parameters reversed for A and B? Very bright absolute magnitude for M3.5V, due to being very metal rich? GJ 3378 = LHS 1805 = G 192-013 = NLTT 15885 = LSPM J0601+5935 *M3.5V: Henry94,Hawley97(M3.5),Henry02,Kirkpatrick12,Dieterich12 M3.7: Mann15 M3.4: Shkolnik12 M4.0: Newton14(near-IR,M4V),Gaidos14(M4),Lepine15 V=11.71(vanAltena95), V=11.736+-0.083(Henden16), V=11.820+-0.089(Droege07), B-V=1.60(vanAltena95). plx=120.5+-5.6 mas (Finch16), 133.5+-2.5(Dittman14). J=7.465+-0.023(2MASS), H=6.949+-0.029(2MASS), Ks=6.639+-0.018(2MASS), V-Ks= 11.736-6.639 = 5.097(Henden16,2MASS). Mv=12.36+-0.09 (Henden16,Dittman14). Ms=7.266+-0.044(2MASS,Dittman14). Teffs: 3178+-84K(Gaidos14), 3241K(Stelzer13), 3252+-83K(Newton15), 3300K(Lepine15), 3300K(Rajpurohit18), 3323+-73K(Gaidos14), 3340+-60K(Mann15#1), 3381+-26K(Mann15#2) => median Teff = 3300K. [Fe/H]=-0.01 and 0.02 (Newton15), -0.09+-0.08(Mann15), [Fe/H]=-0.02, -0.14(Neves13). Radius: 0.261+-0.007Rsun(Mann15), 0.269+-0.011 Rsun(Mann15). Mass: 0.245+-0.031 Msun(Newton15), 0.245+-0.024 Msun(Newton15), 0.255(Jenkins09), 0.255+-0.010Msun(Mann15) => mass = 0.25 Msun. logL=-2.11+-0.06(Newton15). GJ 643 = LHS 427 = Wolf 629 = 2MASS J16552527-0819207 *M3.5V: Bidelman85,Kirkpatrick91(sec),Hawley97,Henry02,Geballe02,Reiners12 M3V: Dieterich12,Gaidos14(M3),Newton14(near-IR) M4V: Walker83,Joy74, Houdebine12(dM4) M5: Vyssotzky56 GJ 643 is the "C" component of a high order multiple (WDS 16555-0820, LDS 573), possibly quintuple - indeed the main component of the system Wolf 630 is the eponym for Eggen's Wolf 630 Moving Group. 72" away from GJ 643 (LHS 427, HIP 82809) is the "primary" of the system: GJ 644 (LHS 428, HIP 82817; M2.5V, Henry02). GJ 644C (VB 8) is 299" away. Among the Washington Double Star components, components A, B, C, F appear to be physical, while D and E are probably background stars. plx = 148.92+-4.00mas(vanLeeuwen07). V=11.759+-0.0042(Landolt09), V=11.748(Koen10), V=11.77(Hosey15), B-V=1.672(Koen10), B-V=1.676+-0.0030(Landolt09), U-B=1.248(Koen10), U-B=1.256+-0.0034(Landolt09), V-Rc=1.179(Koen10), V-Rc=1.185+-0.0017(Landolt09), R-Ic=1.525+-0.0013(Landolt09), V-Ic=2.704(Koen10), V-Ic=2.715+-0.0013(Landolt09), Rc=10.55(Hosey15), Ic=9.01(Hosey15), J=7.555+-0.024(2MASS), H=7.056+-0.061(2MASS), Ks=6.724+-0.017(2MASS). V-Ks = 11.759-6.724 = 5.035+-0.018. Mv=12.624+-0.058 (from V=11.759, plx=148.92). M_Ks=7.589+-0.061 (from Ks=6.724, plx=148.92). Teffs: 3241K(Stelzer13), 3241K(Muirhead18), 3279+-64K(Gaidos14), 3279+-60K(Mann15#1), 3300K(Rajpurohit18), 3305+-100K(Houdebine16), 3339+-27K(Mann15#2), 3343K(Passegger18), 3376+-20K(RojasAyala12) => adopt Teff=3300K. [Fe/H]=-0.14+-0.11(Gaidos14), [Fe/H]=-0.13+-0.12(Newton14), [Fe/H]=-0.28(Neves13), [Fe/H]=-0.22+-0.17(RojasAyala12), [Fe/H]=-0.26+-0.08(Mann15). R=0.22+-0.06Rsun(Gaidos14), R=0.233+-0.011(Mann15). L=0.006+-0.004(Gaidos14), L=0.006(Bonfils13), M=0.19+-0.08Msun(Gaidos14), M=0.21+-0.02Msun(Neves13), M=0.21(Bonfils13), M=0.2040+-0.0200(Mann15). # Tertiary Standard GJ 555 = HN Lib = LHS 2945 = HIP 71253 = TYC 5572-804-1 *M3.5V: Henry94,Henry02,Geballe02,Kirkpatrick12(Henry94),Neves13,Bonfils13 M3: Bidelman85 M4: Koen02, Koen10, Reiners12, Dieterich12, Stelzer13(M4.0), Newton14, Gaidos14, Mann15 I list it as a tertiary standard as it was not in Kirkpatrick91 as either a primary or tertiary standard, but it does appear in Henry94 and Henry02 as a standard. Skiff07 compendium has no published SpTs before Henry's. plx=164.99+-3.29mas(vanLeeuwen07). V=11.32(HIP), V=11.317(Koen10), V=11.346+-0.009(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.598(Koen10), B-V=1.623+-0.005(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.633+-0.052(HIP), V-Rs=1.224(Koen10), U-B=1.128+-0.045(Mermilliod91), V-Ic=2.844(Koen10), V-I=2.87+-0.05(HIP). J = 6.838+-0.019, H= 6.262+-0.044, Ks=5.939+-0.034(2MASS). V-Ks=5.407(Mermilliod91,2MASS). Mv=12.433+-0.044(using V=11.346, plx=164.99). M_Ks = 7.026+-0.055(Ks=5.939, plx=164.99). Teff = 3066+-50K(Houdebine12), 3150K(Morales08), 3165K(Stelzer13), 3211+-60K(Mann15), 3211+-68K(Gaidos14), 3322+-32K(Mann15) => ~3200K. R=0.19Rsun(Gaidos14), Mass=0.14Msun(Gaidos14), [Fe/H]=0.38+-0.11 (Gaidos14). Mv = 12.40+-0.04 (Koen10). GJ 445 = LHS 2459 = G 254-029 = LTT 13235 *M3.5V: Henry94,Hawley97,Henry02,Kirkpatrick12(Henry94) M4V: Luyten45(M4),Lee47(M4),Joy74,Lepine13(M4.0),Gaidos14(M4),Newton14(near-IR) M3: Bidelman85 I list it as a tertiary standard as it was not in Kirkpatrick91 as either a primary or tertiary standard, but it does appear in Henry94 and Henry02 as a standard. plx=186.86+-1.70(vanLeeuwen07). V=10.790+-0.010(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.595+-0.005(Mermilliod91), J=6.724+-0.024(2MASS), H=6.217+-0.044(2MASS), Ks=5.954+-0.027(2MASS), V-Ks = 10.790-5.954 = 4.836+-0.029, J-K=0.770, J-H=0.507, H-Ks=0.263, mbol=8.482+-0.035(using Casagrande relation). Teffs: 3158+-50K(Houdebine12), 3186+-60K(Gaidos14), 3195+-38K(RojasAyalas12), 3240K(Morales08), 3241K(Stelzer13), 3300K(Lepine13). R=0.19Rsun(Gaidos14), R=0.321Rsun(Houdebine12), L=0.003Lsun(Gaidos14), M=0.14Msun(Gaidos14), [Fe/H]=-0.35+-0.13(Newton14), [Fe/H]1=-0.25(Neves13), [Fe/H]2=-0.30(Neves13), [Fe/H]=-0.25+-0.17(RojasAyala12). GJ 729 = Ross 154 = LHS 3414 = HIP 92403 = TYC 6859-1332-1 = V1216 Sgr = 2MASS J18494929-2350101 M0: (1938AJ.....46..204O, "Cannon type"). M3V: Stephenson86,Torres06(M3Ve) M3/4: Pesch65 *M3.5V: Henry94,Hawley97,Henry02,Reid04,Riaz06 M4: Bidelman85,Gaidos14 M4.1: Mann15 M4.5Ve: Joy74 plx = 336.72+-2.03mas(vanLeeuwen07), 339.59+-1.63mas(Davison15). V=10.495+-0.111(Mermilliod91), V=10.495(Koen10), V=10.50(Hosey15), B-V=1.701+-0.044(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.740(Koen10), U-B=1.293(Koen10), V-Rc=1.217(Koen10), V-Ic=2.780(Koen10), Rc=9.26(Hosey15), Ic=7.68(Hosey15), J=6.222+-0.018(2MASS), H=5.655+-0.034(2MASS), Ks=5.370+-0.016(2MASS). V-Ks = 10.495-5.370 = 5.125. Mv = 13.15+-0.01 (using plx=339.59, V=10.495), M_Ks = 8.025+-0.019 (using plx=339.59, Ks=5.370). Teffs: 3062+-50K(Houdebine12), 3162+-30K(Rabus19), 3213+-60K(Gaidos14), 3240K(Morales08), 3240+-60K(Mann15), 3241K(Stelzer13), 3252+-21K(Mann15#2) => adopt Teff=3240K. R=0.19Rsun(Gaidos14), R=0.2008+-0.0076Rsun(Mann15), R=0.199+-0.003Rsun(Mann15). L=0.003Lsun(Gaidos14), L=0.004Lsun(Bonfils13). M=0.14Msun(Gaidos14), M=0.17+-0.01Msun(Neves13), M=0.17Msun(Bonfils13), M=0.181+-0.004Msun(Mann15) => =0.17Msun. [Fe/H]1=-0.41(Jao15,Neves13), [Fe/H]2=-0.44(Neves12,Neves13), [Fe/H]=-0.10(Neves13), [Fe/H]=-0.18+-0.08(Mann15). Rabus19: tetLD=0.642+-0.020mas, fbol=(1.370+-0.096)e-8 erg/s/cm2 (=> mbol = 8.161+-0.076 IAU2015 scale), Rad=0.205+-0.006Rsun, Teff=3162+-30K. BCv = mbol - V = 8.161 - 10.495 = -2.334. BC_Ks = 8.161 - 5.370 = 2.791. # Exemplar GJ 876 = LHS 530 = BD-15 6290 = G 156-57 = IL Aqr *M3.5V: Walker83,Bidelman85,Henry94(M3.5VJ),Kirkpatrick94,Henry02,Lurie14 M3.7: Mann15 M4V: Mukai90,Hawley97,Gaidos14,Schweitzer19(dM4.0) M4.5V: Joy74 M5V: Vyssotsky52,Eggen65 Deprecated standard, but retained as exemplar since it has has interferometric diameter (Rabus19) and is famous well-studied exoplanet host star. For some reason called "GJ 876A" although there does not seem to be a stellar "GJ 876B" (but there is planet "GJ 876b"). V=10.179(Koen10), B-V=1.571(Koen10), U-B=1.168(Koen10), V-Rc=1.182(Koen10), V-Ic=2.733(Koen10). V-Ks=5.17(Hosey15). Ks=5.010+-0.021(2MASS). Rabus19: tetLD=0.705+-0.009mas, fbol=(1.902+-0.058)e-8 erg/s/cm2 (=> mbol = 7.804+-0.033 IAU2015 scale), Rad=0.354+-0.005Rsun, Teff=3275+-18K. BCv = mbol - V = 7.804 - 10.179 = -2.375. BC_Ks = mbol - Ks = 7.804 - 5.010 = 2.794. Mann15: fbol=(1.916+-0.015)e-11 W/m2 (=> mbol = 7.797+-0.009). Teffs: 3049+-92K(Hojjatpanah19), 3129+-19K(Yee17), 3130K(Youngblood17), 3165K(Stelzer13), 3200K(Rajpurohit18), 3235K(Newton15), 3247+-60K(Mann15), 3275+-18K(Rabus19), 3283+-88K(Muirhead18), 3290+-10K(Mentuch08), 3304+-100K(Houdebine16), 3317+-14K(Houdebine19), 3340K(Terrien15#3), 3357K(Terrien15#1), 3359K(Passegger18), 3377+-51K(Schweitzer19,Fuhrmesiter19), 3384+-32K(Mann15#2), 3444K(Terrien15#2), 3935+-59K(Luck17) => ~ 3280K. [Fe/H] = 0.17+-0.08(Mann15). Mass=0.341+-0.010Msun(Mann15). # Deprecated Standards GJ 873 = EV Lac = BD+43_4305 *M3.5V: Bidelman85(M3.5),Kirkpatrick94(non-standard),Henry94,Hawley97,Henry02 M4.5Ve: Joy74 M4: Lee47 M5Ve: Adams26 I deprecate this as a standard (although it appears in Henry94 and Henry02) as a standard as it is a very active BY Dra star and the colors appear to be significantly bluer than the other M3.5V standards (probably due to enhanced activity). Active, variable BY Dra "flare" star, with V magnitude between B = 8.28 and 11.83 (GCVS, Samus+2007-2013; also VSX). V=10.044+-0.052(Mermilliod91) for component 1, unresolved V=10.029+-0.042(Mermilliod91). B-V=1.412+-0.061(Mermilliod91) for component 1, unresolved B-V=1.374+-0.009(Mermilliod91). J=6.106+-0.030, H=5.554+-0.031, Ks=5.299+-0.024(2MASS). V-Ks=10.029-5.299 = 4.73. GJ 748AB = Wolf 1062 = 2MASS J19121455+0253111 = HIP 94349 M3: Bidelman85 *M3.5V: Kirkpatrick91(sec.stan.),Hawley97,Tamazian06,Reiners12,Lepine13,Lurie14 M4: Gliese69,Joy74,Gaidos14 M5V: Arnaud89 M0: Lee47 Astrometric binary (Torres2010), 0.2" binary in WDS. Mag1=11.29, Mag2=13.11. Mass(A) = 0.379+-0.005, logL(A) = -1.78. V=11.143(Koen10), B-V=1.520(Koen10), U-B=1.0529(Koen10), V-Rc=1.127(Koen10), V-Ic=2.609(Koen10). V-Ks=4.81(Hosey15). Plx = 99.99+-1.22(Lurie14). GJ 734B = HD 230017 B (V=13) *M3.5V: Kirkpatrick91(sec) 3.5" fainter companion to V=9.4 M0V star (standard HD 230017 = V1436 Aql). Mermilliod91 photometry is for either blend or primary, and 2MASS photometry is poor quality. Kirkpatrick type is only one in Skiff compilation (7/2015). There are plenty of other M3.5 standards with stronger pedigrees to choose from. GJ 251 = HD 265866 = Wolf 294 = G 087-012 = LHS 1879 = HIP 33226 *M3V: Lee47(M3),Kirkpatrick91(pri),Henry94,Hawley97,Henry02 M3.5V: Joy74,Boeshaar76(stan),Boeshaar85(stan,in text) M4V: Stephenson86,Jenkins09 M5: Roth51,Vyssotsky56 Boeshaar76's M3.5V standard, but changed to M3V by Kirkpatrick, Henry, & Hawley. B=11.609+-0.02(UCAC4), V=9.89(HIP), V=9.938(Hauck90), V=9.938+-0.063(Mermilliod91), V=10.01(Gliese91), V=10.02(Weis93), V=10.03(Reid02), V=10.034+-0.08(UCAC4), V=10.170+-0.08(Droege07) B-V=1.57(Weis93), B-V=1.585+-0.013(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.580+-0.040(HIP), U-B=1.218+-0.015(Mermilliod91), U-B=1.21(Weis93), V-R=1.29(Weis93), R-I=1.11(Weis93), V-I=2.56+-0.09(HIP), J=6.104+-0.024(2MASS), H=5.526+-0.016(2MASS), Ks=5.275+-0.023(2MASS). Using Casagrande08 calibrations and 2MASS JHK photometry, mbol = 7.772+-0.014. Hence BCv = mbol - V = 7.772 - 10.02 = -2.248, BC_K = mbol - Ks = 7.772 - 5.275 = 2.497. Adopting Vmag from Weis93 (close to median of published values), V-Ks = 10.02 - 5.275 = 4.745. Plx = 179.01 +- 1.60 mas (vanLeeuwen07) => Mv = 11.28, M_Ks = 6.54, Mbol = 9.04, logL=-1.72. Mass = 0.372+-0.002 Msun(Jenkins09). Teffs: 3245K(Jenkins09), 3400K(Frasca09), 3477+-11K(Wu11), 5511K(Valdes04; typo?!) => adopt Teff = 3400K. GJ 15B = BD+43_44B = Gmb 34B = LHS 4 *M3.5V: GrayAtlas,Henry94,Kirkpatrick94,Hawley97,Henry02 M4V: Tamazian06 M4+V: Boeshaar94(dM4+) M4.5Ve: Joy74 M5V: Adams26 M6V: JM53(non-stan) GJ 105B = M3Ve: Robertson84 *M3.5V: Henry94,Henry02 M4V: Hawley97 M4.5V: Joy74 I've only deprecated this as a standard as no one else seems to have classified the star as M3.5V. G 099-049 *M3.5V: Henry94,Henry02 M4: Lee84,Gliese91,Mason95(dM4e),Montes01,Jenkins09(M4.0),Gaido14 M0: Lee47 I've only deprecated this as a standard as no one else seems to have classified the star as M3.5V. GJ 300 = *M3.5V: Henry94,Henry02 M4V: Hawley97,Reid04 Skiff07 compendium has no SpTs published before Henry's. GJ 829 AB = Ross 775 = StKM 1-1903 *M3.5V: Joy74,Kirkpatrick92(PhD),Henry94(J),Henry02(J),Reid04(B only),Kirkpatrick12 M3: Stephenson86 Joy/Henry/Reid agreement, but unresolved binary. Kirkpatrick12 cites Kirkpatrick92(PhD thesis) and calls the system M3.5V + M3.5:V. GJ 896 AC = BD+19 5116 AC = EQ Peg A = LFT 1799 = LHS 3965 *M3.5V: Henry94(J),Hawley97(A only),Henry02(J) M4V: Tamazian06,Joy74(M4Ve),KeenanMcNeil76(stan) Unresolved binary. Was the KeenanMcNeil76 M4V standard ("M4Ve"), but apparently it was not considered M4V standard by anyone afterwards. More recently Henry+ and Hawley+ agree on M3.5V. Leggett96: flux = 1.29e-11 W/m^2, logL=-1.75, mbol=8.25, Mbol=9.13, BCv=-2.13, BC_K=2.67. Mbol=9.05(Morales08). Teffs: 3090K(Jenkins09), 3200K(Prugniel11), 3280K(Morales08), 3400+-150K(Leggett96), 3630K(Zboril98) => median Teff = 3280K. Mass: 0.378+-0.042 Msun(Jenkins09). Plx=151.9+-3.7 mas. GJ 273 = BD+05_1668 = Luyten's star M3: Lee47 *M3.5V: Bidelman85,Kirkpatrick91(pri,Kirkpatrick12),Kirkpatrick93,Kirkpatrick94,Henry02,Lepine13,Alonso-Floriano15 M3.8: Mann15 M4V: Joy74,Boeshaar76(stan),Newton14(near-IR) Kirkpatrick91 moved the subtype 0.5 earlier than Boeshaar76. Teffs: 3280K(Lepine13), 3317+-60K(Mann15), 3322+-78K(Newton15) => median Teff = 3317K. V=9.832+-0.019(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.554+-0.006(Mermilliod91), Ks=4.857+-0.023(2MASS) => V-Ks = 9.832 - 4.857 = 4.975. Rabus19: tetLD=0.783+-0.010, Fbol=(2.288+-0.118)e-8 erg/s/cm2 (=>mbol = 7.604+-0.056 IAU2015 scale), Rad=0.320+-0.005Rsun, Teff=3253+-39K. BCv = 7.604 - 9.832 = -2.228. G 203-047AB *M3.5V: Henry94(J),Hawley97,Henry02(J) Unresolved binary. GJ 860A = Kruger 60A = HD 239960 = BD+56_2783 = DO Cep (J2227+5741) *M3V: Adams26,Neckel58(M3),Christy69,Henry94,Hawley97,Henry02,Tamazian06 M3.5V: Joy74,KeenanMcNeil76(stan) M5: Nassau54 3.4" binary with V=11.30 star GJ 860B (see "M4V" file). V=9.85(Gliese91), V=9.81(Tycho), B-V=1.62(Gliese91), U-B=1.23(Gliese91). HIP V, B-V, and V-I are for unresolved GJ 860AB, and GJ 860 is unresolved in 2MASS. Significantly redder in B-V than GJ752A (B-V = 1.62 vs. 1.464, respectively). # Non-standards GJ 687 = HIP 86162 = BD+68_946 = DO 35853 = G 240-063 = LFT 1364 = LHS 450 *M3V: Adams35,Luyten79,Bidelman85,Henry94,Hawley97,Henry02 M4V: Adams26,Joy74 M3.5V: JM53(non-stan.) M2: Lee47 M5V: Vyssotsky52 Here because it was listed as a non-standard M3.5V in JohnsonMorgan53. WDS lists BC component at separation 302" away, however it is not clear whether it is physical. V=9.15(HIP), V=9.17(Weis93), B-V=1.505+-0.013(HIP), B-V=1.47(Weis93), V-R=1.26(Weis93), R-I=1.11(Weis93), V-I=2.11+-0.10(HIP). J=5.335+-0.021(2MASS), H = 4.766+-0.033(2MASS,flag='E'), Ks = 4.548+-0.021(2MASS). Hence V-Ks = 9.15 - 4.548 = 4.602. Using Casagrande08 relations, the 2MASS JHK photometry is consistent with mbol = 6.967 +- 0.020, hence BCv = mbol - V = 6.967 - 9.15 = -2.183, BC_Ks = mbol - Ks = 2.419. Plx = 220.84+-0.94 mas(van Leeuwen07) => Mv = 10.87, M_Ks = 6.27, Mbol = 8.69+-0.02, logL = -1.58+-0.01. Teffs: 3237K(Jenkins09), 3395K(RojasAyalas12), 3583K(Soubiran08), 3748K(Masana06) => median Teff = 3489 K. Radius = 0.372+-0.008 Rsun(Masana06). BC_K = 2.499+-0.054(Masana06). BCv = -2.103+-0.072(Masana06). Nidever02 quotes GJ 687 as being a very stable RV star (rms < 100 m/s over ~3 years), so unlikely to be an unresolved binary star. GJ 752A = HD 180617 = LHS 473 = Wolf 1055 = V1428 Aql = HIP 94761 (J1916+0510) *M3V: Lee47(M3),Joy74,Boeshaar76(stan),Boeshaar85(dM3),Kirkpatrick91(pri),Kirkpatrick94,Henry94,Boeshaar94,Henry02,Kirkpatrick(GrayCorbally09) M3-V: Keenan88 M3.5V: JM53 M2.5V: Hawley97 M2III: Houk99(q=3) Here because non-standard in JohnsonMorgan53. Continuity as M3V standard from Boeshaar, Kirkpatrick, & Henry, and Kirkpatrick considers this the primary standard. Unfortunately 3 expert classifiers have it +-0.5 subtype different from M3V (e.g. JohnsonMorgan53, Keenan88, Hawley97). It is also a bit bluer and brighter than all the other M3V "standards", so it might be best considered M3-V? GJ 752B is ~75" away (Lepine07). V=9.12(HIP), B-V=1.464+-0.005(HIP), V-I=2.32+-0.00(HIP), R-I=1.29(Delfosse98), J=5.583+-0.030(2MASS), H=4.929+-0.027, Ks=4.673+-0.020(2MASS), V-J=3.537(HIP & 2MASS), (V-Ks)=4.447(HIP & 2MASS). mbol = 7.158+-0.022 using 2MASS JHKs and Casagrande08 calibration => BCv = mbol - V = 7.158 - 9.12 = -1.962, BC_Ks = 2.485. Plx = 170.36+-1.00 mas => Mv = 10.28, M_Ks = 5.83+-0.02, Mbol = 8.32+-0.03, logL = -1.43+-0.01. Teffs: 3240K(Berriman92), 3250K(ReidHawley05), 3300K(Reid84), 3368K(Berger06#1), 3390K(Berger06#2), 3475K(Tsuji96), 3343K(Casagrande08), 3789K(RojasAyala12) => median Teff ~ 3380 K. BD+4_4226 = DO 6166 = IRAS 19444+0420 M3.5:V : JM53(non-standard) M1: Lee47 note that this is a V=9.6mag M-star with negligible p.m., later classified as a M1III. Pickles10 reports that the colors are consistent with M3III. V=10.070(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.440(Mermilliod91). Gaia DR1 parallax = 0.45+-0.45, which ices it as distant M giant, not M dwarf! # Other Stars GJ 163 = HIP 19394 = L 229-91 = LHS 188 = L 229-91 = LPM 178 = NLTT 12693 = 2MASS J04091567-5322254 M2.8+-0.5: Sebastian21 M3: Houdebine17 dM3.4: Houdebine19 M3.5V: Walker83,Reid95 3 exoplanets (Bonfils13), c is in optimisic hab zone + possible 4th (Tuomi13). V=11.79(HIP), V=11.793+-0.005(Mermilliod91), V=11.811(Koen10,Casagrande08), B-V=1.480+-0.008(HIP), B-V=1.487+-0.033(Mermilliod91), U-B=1.095(Koen10), U-B=1.180(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.491(Casagrande08,Koen10), V-Ic=2.491(Koen10), V-I=2.50+-0.02(HIP), Ks=7.135+-0.021(2MASS), V-Ks = 11.793 - 7.135 = 4.658, mbol=9.826(Casagrande08). GaiaDR3: G=10.683944+-0.002808, Bp-Rp=2.561426, Bp-G=1.395229, G-Rp=1.166197. plx=66.0705+-0.0172mas(GaiaDR3). Teffs: 3161K(GaiaDR3/MSC2), 3209K(Anders19), 3223+-172K(Santos13), 3247+-66K(Casagrande08), 3300K(Morales08), 3360+-88K(Muirhead18), 3373K(Anders22), 3375+-42K(Houdebine19), 3399K(Suissa20), 3399+-157K(Paegert21), 3400K(Martinez-Rodriguez19), 3417+-100K(Houdebine16), 3447+-42K(Gaidos14), 3476+-105K(Sebastian21), 3501K(GaiaDR3/MSC1), 3600K(GaiaDR3/RVtemp) => = 3375K. Masses: 0.35+-0.05(Gaidos14), 0.40+-0.01Msun(Sebastian21), 0.402+-0.02Msun(Paegert21), 0.40243Msun(Suissa20), 0.450+-0.005Msun(Muirhead18). Luminosity: -1.6635+-0.0074(Martinez-Rodriguez19), -1.69486(Suissa20), -1.69486+-0.10892(Paegert21), -1.796+-0.082(Gaidos14). SED fit 7/16/2022: Teff=3420K, BCv=-1.952, mbol=9.841, Mbol=8.941, logL=-1.674. GJ 682 = HIP 86214 *M3.5V: Bidelman85(M3.5),Reid95 M4.5V: Walker83 M5: Gaidos14 Listed as it is a very nearby (d=5pc) exoplanet host. WDS reports it as tight (0.2") binary WDS J17371-4419 = WDK3 with mag1=6.3, mag2=7.3 from Ward-Duong15. The actual Ward-Duong15 paper reports sep=0.17+-0.05", projected sep 0.9+-0.3 au, del(H)=1.01, which they claim correspond to two stars of masses 0.23 and 0.14 Msun. However the RV data from Tuomi14 show no signs of a stellar companion - just two RV signals they attribute to planets with amplitudes 2.99 and 3.98 m/s. Star is in pretty crowded Galactic field. plx=199.6944+-0.0312mas(GaiaDR3). V=10.94(HIP), V=10.96(Mermilliod91), B-V=1.65(Mermilliod91), U-B=1.20(Mermilliiod91). Teffs: 3028K(Tuomi14), 3261+-86K(Muirhead18). Masses: M=0.27Msun(Tuomi14), M=0.295+-0.005(Muirhead18). logL=-2.0555+-0.1136(Paegert21). CU Cnc: Ribas03 presents a detailed study of the near-identical M3.5Ve+M3.5Ve binary CU Cnc: M_A = 0.4333+-0.0017 Msun, M_B = 0.3980+-0.0014 Msun, R_A=0.4317+-0.0052 Rsun, R_B=0.3908+-0.0094 Rsun, mean Teff = 3140+-150 K. Ribas03 estimates the age to be ~320 Myr and metallicity [Fe/H] ~ 0.0.