M9V Kirkpatrick(in GrayCorbally09) call LHS 2924 the primary M9V standard. The early samples of M9Vs in Kirkpatrick95 include LHS 2065, BRI 1222-1222, LHS 2924, TVLM 868-110639. Boeshaar85 standard: LHS 2924 - M9V HenryKirkpatrick90 standard: LHS 2924 - M9V Kirkpatrick91 standards: LHS 2924 - M9V (primary standard) LHS 2065 - M9V (secondary standard) Kirkpatrick97 standard: LHS 2065 - M9V Kirkpatrick99 standard: 2MASSW J1239+2029 - M9V Hawley02 standard: 2MASS J0251+2521 - M9V Henry02 standard: LHS 2065 - M9V [Henry02 has LP 944-020 as ">M9V" standard] Henry04 standard: LP 944-020 - M9.0V (primary standard) Kirkpatrick(GrayCorbally09): LHS 2924 - M9V (primary standard) Kirkpatrick10 standard: LHS 2924 - M9V (opt.,near-IR stan.) Kirkpatrick16 standard: LHS 2065 - M9V Skiff08 does not flag any stars as M9V MK standards. RECONS list shows LP 944-020 as the nearest M9V. ReinersBasri09 finds that the mean kinematic age of nearby M7-M9.5 stars is 3.1 Gyr. (V-Rc)(M9V) = 2.00 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Bessell91) (Rc-Ic)(M9V) = 2.472 ; N=5 M9V *s in Liebert06 (+-0.023 sem, +-0.052 stdev) => adopt (R-I)(M9V) = 2.472 => adopt (V-R)(M9V) = 1.893 (from R-I=2.472 and V-I=4.37) [go through Henry04 Table 2 to get independent estimate] (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.07 ; SSS2307-5009 (Dieterich14) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.37 ; pri. standard LHS 2924 (see below) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.398 ; exemplar BRI 0021-0214 (see below) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.48 ; sec. standard LHS 2065 (Dieterich14) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.61 ; 2MA1501+2250 (Dieterich14) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.625 ; from color sequence for V-Ks=9.00 (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.66 ; trend Dieterich14 SpT vs V-Ic (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.69 ; sec. stan. LP 944-20 (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.81 ; BRI1222-1222 (Dieterich14) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.92 ; SSS2356-3426 (Dieterich14) (V-Ic)(M9V) = 5.18 ; SIP2045-6332 (Dieterich14) => adopt (V-Ic)(M9V) = 4.66 [updated 7/4/2020] (B-V)(M9V) = 2.17 ; linear fit to Leggett92 (B-V=0.8367+0.2852*V-I, V-I=4.66) => adopt (B-V)(M9V) = 2.17 [updated 7/5/2020] (V-Ks)(M9V) = 8.285 ; non-stan. ESO 207-61 (Henry04) (V-Ks)(M9V) = 8.84 ; non-stan. SSS2356-3426 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 8.858 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 8.882 ; non-stan. LP 647-13 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 8.896 ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 8.92 ; non-stan. 2MA1501+2250 (M9V) = 9.0 ; Beuermann06 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.00 ; non-stan. RG0050-2722 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.06 ; non-stan. BRI1222-1222 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.07 ; trend fit to Dahn17 for M9V (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.08 ; non-stan. LHS4039C (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.09 ; smoothed fit to Dieterich SpT vs V-Ks (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.12 ; non-stan. SSS2307-5009 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.15 ; sec. stan. LP944-20 (Burgasser14) (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.271 ; non-stan. BRI 0021-0214 (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.94 ; non-stan. SIP2045-6332 => adopt (V-Ks)(M9V) = 9.00 [updated 10/20/2019] => adopt (V-J)(M9V) = 7.702 [need to double check] => adopt (V-H)(M9V) = 8.389 [need to double check] => adopt (I-Ks)(M9V) = 4.482 [need to double check] => adopt (J-Ks)(M9V) = 1.145 [need to double check] (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.760 ; exemplar BRI 1222-1222 (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.886 ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.891 ; exemplar TVLM 868-110639 (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.90 ; M_G=16.3, M_Ks=10.4 (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.917 ; sec. stan. LP 944-20 (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.924 ; exemplar LP 647-13 (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.967 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 => adopt (G-Ks)(M9V) = 5.90 [updated 12/26/2020; M_G=16.30, M_Ks=10.40] (J-H)(M9V) = 0.68 (+-0.15 rms) ; Schmidt14 (J-H)(M8.5V)= 0.69 ; adopted (J-H)(M9V) = 0.70 (+-0.08 rms) ; West08 (J-H)(M9V) = 0.705 ; trend SIMBAD d<30pc M9Vs (J-H)(M9V) = 0.723 (+-0.009 sem,+-0.024 stdev) ; N=9 M9V Cruz03 (J-H)(M9V) = 0.749 ; EEM: 2MASS colors of 5 M9Vs in DwarfArchives (J-H)(M9.5V)= 0.75 ; adopted => adopt (J-H)(M9V) = 0.72 [updated 8/6/2020] (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.481 ; EEM: 2MASS colors of 5 M9Vs in DwarfArchives (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.478 ; trend of Dieterich14 data for V-Ks=9.00 (M9V) = 0.47 ; Beuermann06 (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.470(+-0.08 rms) ; trend SIMBAD d<30pc M9-L dwarfs (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.464(+-0.010 sem,+-0.029 stdev) ; N=9 M9V Cruz03 (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.43 (+-0.16 rms) ; Schmidt14 [EEM: mean much bluer than M9V standards] (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.42 (+-0.06 rms) ; West08 => adopt (H-Ks)(M9V) = 0.47 [last updated 8/6/2020] (J-Ks)(M9V) = 1.230 ; EEM: 2MASS colors of 5 M9Vs in DwarfArchives (J-Ks)(M9V) = 1.20 ; Faherty09 (J-Ks)(M9V) = 1.191 (+-0.013 sem,+-0.034 stdev) ; N=9 M9V Cruz03 (J-Ks)(M9V) = 1.12 (+-0.17 rms) ; Schmidt14 (M9V) = 1.12 ; Beuermann06 (r-i)(M9V) = 1.901 (+-0.05 rms) ; West05 fit for (V-Ic)=4.66 (r-i)(M9V) = 2.81 (+-0.21 rms) ; West08 (i-J)(M9V) = 3.79 (+-0.29 rms) ; Schmidt14 (i-Ks)(M9V) = 4.91 (+-0.35 rms) ; Schmidt14 (i-z)(M9V) = 1.818 ; poly fit to d<75pc SIMBAD M dwarfs for G-Ks=5.90 (i-z)(M9V) = 1.76 (+-0.08 rms) ; West08 (i-z)(M9V) = 1.66 (+-0.14 rms) ; Schmidt14 => adopt (i-z)(M9V) = 1.82 [updated 12/27/2021] (z-J)(M9V) = 2.360 (+-0.053 rms) ; poly fit to d<50pc SIMBAD M dwarfs for G-Ks=5.90 (z-J)(M9V) = 2.25 (+-0.09 rms) ; West08 (z-J)(M9V) = 2.14 (+-0.17 rms) ; Schmidt14 => adopt (z-J)(M9V) = 2.36 [updated 12/27/2021] (Ks-L')(M9V) = 0.441 ; Dupuy12 polynomial (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.25 (+-0.25 rms) ; Schmidt14 (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.313 ; pri. stan. LHS2924/WISE (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.316 ; pri. stan. LHS2924/allWISE (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.318 ; sec. stan. LHS2065/allWISE (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.323 ; Dupuy12 trend (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.327 ; sec. stan. LHS2065/WISE (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.339 ; fit to Winters15 data for V-Ks=9.0 (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.342 ; Dupuy12 median (N=6, d<60pc) (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.363 ; Avenhaus12 for V-Ks=9.0 => adopt (Ks-W1)(M9V) = 0.33 [updated 12/28/2019] (W1-W2)(M9V) = 0.24 (+-0.27 rms) ; Schmidt14 (W2-W3)(M9V) = 0.42 (+-0.16 rms) ; Schmidt14 (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 4.48 ; Kiman19 (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 4.7495 ; LHS_2065 sec. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 4.7679 ; LHS_2924 pri. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 4.7890 ; LP_647-13 ter. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 5.0466 ; LP_944-20 sec. stan. (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 5.0596 ; 2MASS_J03341218-4953322 M9V (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 5.1039 ; 2MASS_J11592743-5247188 M9Ve => adopt (Bp-Rp)(M9V) = 4.78 [updated 11/18/2020] (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.5754 ; LHS_2065 sec. stan. (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.5817 ; LP_647-13 ter. stan. (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.5922 ; LP_944-20 sec. stan. (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.5932 ; LHS_2924 pri. stan. (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.595 ; M6.5-L2 color trend (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.6012 ; 2MASS_J03341218-4953322 M9V (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.6090 ; 2MASS_J11592743-5247188 M9Ve (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.619 ; Reyle18 polynomial (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.63 ; Kiman19 => adopt (G-Rp)(M9V) = 1.595 [updated 11/18/2020] => adopt (Bp-G)(M9V) = 3.185 [updated 11/18/2020; Bp-Rp=4.78, G-Rp=1.59] (Bp-G)(M9V) = 3.1741 ; LHS_2065 (Bp-G)(M9V) = 3.1747 ; LHS_2924 (Bp-G)(M9V) = 3.2072 ; LP_647-13 (Bp-G)(M9V) = 3.4544 ; LP_944-20 (G-V)(M9V) = -3.2346 ; sec. stan. LP_944-20 (G-V)(M9V) = -3.07 ; trinomial fit through late Ms (G-V)(M9V) = -3.0313 ; sec. stan. LHS_2065 (G-V)(M9V) = -2.971 ; median M9V d<60pc (N=9) in SIMBAD (likely biased blue?) (G-V)(M9V) = -2.9585 ; ter. stan. LP_647-13 (G-V)(M9V) = -2.9501 ; pri. stan. LHS_2924 => adopt (G-V)(M9V) = -3.00 [updated 12/26/2020] M_G(M9V) = 15.26 ; Kiman19 M_G(M9V) = 15.543 ; Reyle18 polynomial M_G(M9V) = 15.58 ; SSSPM J1444-2019 (sdM9) M_G(M9V) = 15.80 ; trend for late Ms & early Ls within 20pc M_G(M9V) = 15.93 ; exemplar BRI 1222-1222 M_G(M9V) = 15.96 ; exemplar TVLM 868-110639 M_G(M9V) = 16.09 ; Smart19 (N=17; rms=0.36) M_G(M9V) = 16.12 ; LEHPM 3396 (DENIS J033411.3-495333) M_G(M9V) = 16.13 ; median among nearest 10 M9Vs in SIMBAD M_G(M9V) = 16.15 ; 2MASS J11592743-5247188 (1RXS_J115928.5-524717) M_G(M9V) = 16.20 ; trend SIMBAD d<10pc sample M_G(M9V) = 16.22 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 = LP 666-9 M_G(M9V) = 16.23 ; exemplar LP 647-13 M_G(M9V) = 16.30 ; (G-Ks)=5.9, M_Ks=10.4 M_G(M9V) = 16.32 ; 2MASS J16154245+0546400 M_G(M9V) = 16.43 ; sec. stan. LP 944-20 M_G(M9V) = 16.43 ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 = LP 271-25 M_G(M9V) = 16.59 ; ** BUG 5A => adopt M_G(M9V) = 16.30 [updated 12/27/2021] [EEM 12/26/2020: trend for standards & exemplars: M_G = 4.8745 + 1.09861*M_K => G-Ks = 4.8745 + 0.0986*M_K M_J(M9V) = 11.124 ; Reyle18 polynomial M_H(M9V) = 10.413 ; Reyle18 polynomial M_Ks(M9V) = 9.949 ; Reyle18 polynomial (G-J)(M9V) = 4.575 ; Reyle18 polynomial (J-Ks)(M9V) = 1.133 ; Reyle18 polynomial Mv(M9V) = 19.15 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Burgasser14) Mv(M9V) = 19.19 ; exemplar LP 647-13 Mv(M9V) = 19.27 ; EEM fit for Mdwarfs for V-Ks=9.00 (rms=0.48) Mv(M9V) = 19.29 ; Kirkpatrick94 Mv(M9V) = 19.33 ; Dieterich14 calibration for V-Ks=9.00 (rms=0.25) Mv(M9V) = 19.37 ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 Mv(M9V) = 19.42 ; median Mv from Dieterich14 (N=9 M9V stars) Mv(M9V) = 19.66 ; sec. stan. LP 944-20 (Burgasser14) => adopt Mv(M9V) = 19.4 mag [last updated 10/18/2019; M_Ks=10.40, V-Ks=9.00] M_Ks(M9V) = 10.05 ; V* DY Psc M_Ks(M9V) = 10.07 ; exemplar TVLM 868-110639 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.17 ; exemplar BRI 1222-1222 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.24 ; Dupuy12 polynomial M_Ks(M9V) = 10.25 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.27 ; EEM fit to Dieterich14 for V-Ks=9.00 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.30 ; exemplar LP 647-13 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.33 ; Deiterich14 calibration for V-Ks=9.00 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.38 ; median SIMBAD <60pc M9V N=4 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.40 ; M_G=16.28, Mv=19.28 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.44 ; 1RXS J115928.5-524717 (single classification) M_Ks(M9V) = 10.51 ; sec. stan. LP 944-20 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.51 ; median M_Ks for Dieterich14 N=9 M9Vs M_Ks(M9V) = 10.54 ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 = LP 271-25 M_Ks(M9V) = 10.57 ; Dupuy12 mean M_Ks(M9V) = 10.65 ; LEHPM 3396 (single M9 classification) M_Ks(M9V) = 10.86 ; SSSPM J1444-2019 (sdM9) [note brightest M9 in G, dimmest in K!] => adopt M_Ks(M9V) = 10.40 mag [updated 12/26/2020; Mv=19.40, V-Ks=9.00] [EEM 12/26/2020: adopting M_Ks=10.4 =>trend=> M_G=16.28 => G-Ks=5.88, for G-V=-3.0 => Mv=19.28] Teff(M9V) = 2578 K ; RojasAyala12(mean N=1 M9V stars) Teff(M9V) = 2480 K ; Dupuy17(Lyon model scale) Teff(M9V) = 2470 K ; Dupuy17(SaumonMarley08 scale) Teff(M9V) = 2450 K ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 (recent median) Teff(M9V) = 2438 K ; mean photometric Teff Teff(M9V) = 2420 K ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (recent median) Teff(M9V) = 2400 K ; Rajpurohit18 N=1 M9V stars Teff(M9V) = 2398 K ; median N=9 M9V Teffs from Dieterich14 *** Teff(M9V) = 2396 K ; Golimowski04 Teff(M9V) = 2395 K ; Filippazzo15 calibration (M6V-T9V) Teff(M9V) = 2380 K ; empirical L-R relation, for logL=-3.520 Teff(M9V) = 2300 K ; Cifuentes20 for CARMENES M9V(N=7) Teff(M9V) = 2281 K ; EEM N=25 Teffs Teff(M9V) = 2123 K ; non. stan. LP 944-20 (median Teff) => adopt Teff(M9V) = 2380 K (logT = 3.377) [updated 11/3/2019] BCv(M9V) = -4.867 mag ; EEM fit to Casagrande data for Teff=2350K BCv(M9V) = -5.641 mag ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Leggett01 using IAU2015 scale) BCv(M9V) = -5.86 mag ; BC_Ks = 3.14, V-Ks=9.00 BCv(M9V) = -6.053 mag ; LP 944-20 (Leggett01 using IAU2015 scale) => adopt BCv(M9V) = -5.86 mag [updated 11/3/2019; BC_Ks=3.14, V-Ks=9.00] BC_K(M9V) = 3.21+-0.07 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Golimowski04) BC_K(M9V) = 3.183 mag ; non-stan. BRI 0021-0214 (Leggett01, IAU2015 scale) BC_K(M9V) = 3.158 mag ; Leggett01 polynomial for I-K=4.482 BC_K(M9V) = 3.157 mag ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Leggett01, IAU2015 scale) BC_K(M9V) = 3.149 mag ; Golimowki04(SpT function) BC_Ks(M9V)= 3.14 mag ; interp M6V-L1V for V-Ks=9.00 BC_Ks(M9V)= 3.12 mag ; Schmidt14 (rms = 0.04) BC_K(M9V) = 3.103 mag ; Leggett01 polynomial for J-K=1.145 BC_Ks(M9V)= 3.099 mag ; Filipazzo15 (field) BC_Ks(M9V)= 3.099 mag ; sec. stan. LP 944-20 (Leggett01 on IAU2015 scale) => adopt BC_K(M9V) = 3.14 mag [updated 11/3/2019] logL(M9V) = -3.77 ; non-standard LP 944-20 (Leggett01) logL(M9V) = -3.542 ; median (N=9) logL for M9Vs from Dieterich14 logL(M9V) = -3.520 ; M_Ks=10.40, BC_K=3.14 => Mbol = 13.540 logL(M9V) = -3.49+-0.02 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Golimowski04) logL(M9V) = -3.49 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Leggett01) => adopt logL(M9V) = -3.520 dex [updated 4/17/2020] => adopt Mbol(M9V) = 13.540 mag [updated 4/17/2020] Mass(M9V) = 0.079+-0.020 Msun ; GJ 2005C (Benedict16) Mass(M9V) = 0.0787 Msun ; Mann18 calib for M_Ks=10.40 => adopt Mass(M9V) = 0.079 Msun [updated 11/3/2019] Rad(M9V) = 0.1001 Rsun ; median (N=9) M9V radius from Dieterich14 Rad(M9V) = 0.1022 Rsun ; logL=-3.520, Teff=2380 => adopt Rad(M9V) = 0.102 Rsun [updated 11/3/2019] # Primary Standard LHS 2924 = LP 271-25 = GJ 3849 = NN 3849 = 2MASS J14284323+3310391 *M9V: Boeshaar85(dM9),GiampapaLiebert86,HenryKirkpatrick90,Kirkpatrick91(pri),Kirkpatrick93,Boeshaar94(dM9),Hawley97(M9c),ReidGizis05(M9.0Ve),Kirkpatrick(GrayCorbally09)(pri),Kirkpatrick10,Leggett10(M9+-0.5) M7V: Bessell91 L0: Schmidt10 Kirkpatrick91 calls LHS 2924 the primary M9 dwarf standard, and cites GiampapaLiebert86 and Boeshaar85. Discussed at length in Probst & Liebert (1983, ApJ, 274, 245). Dahn17 presents latest greatest VI photometry: V=19.64+-0.05, Ic=15.21+-0.03. plx=90.8+-1.3(Dahn02,Monet92), plx=90.9962+-0.1271mas(gaiaDR2), G=16.6299+-0.0006(GaiaDR2), V=19.53(Lepine05), V=19.58(Leggett92,Monet02), V=19.58+-0.04(Dahn02), V=19.74(Bessell91,Gliese91,vanAltena95,Winters19), I=15.3(Bessell91), V-I=4.44(Bessell91), V-I=4.37(Monet92,Leggett92,Kirkpatrick95), K_CIT=10.67(Leggett92), (V-Ks)_CIT=8.91(Leggett92), K-L'(MKO)=0.65(Leggett92), J=11.990+-0.021(2MASS), H=11.225+-0.029(2MASS0, Ks=10.744+-0.024(2MASS), WISE: W1=10.431+-0.023, W2=10.168+-0.020, W3=9.677+-0.030. allWISE: W1=10.428+-0.022, W2=10.162+-0.020, W3=9.646+-0.036. Ks-W1=0.313(WISE), Ks-W1=0.316(allWISE). (V-Ic)=4.43, (V-Ks) = 19.64 - 10.744 = 8.896(Dahn17,2MASS). Mv=19.37+-0.03(Leggett92, Dahn02), M_G=16.425+-0.003(GaiaDR2), M_Ks=10.534+-0.039(2MASS,Dahn02). LHS2924 is a JHK photometric standard for MKO system: J=11.885+-0.013(Leggett06), H=11.251+-0.010(Leggett06), K=10.721+-0.013(Leggett06). Mass=0.105+-0.042Msun(Jenkins09). Teffs: 1665K(Jenkins09), 1950+-150K(Probst83,Blackbody!), 2080K(Tinney93), 2100K(Jones97), 2120K(Tsuji97), 2200K(Casagrande08*), 2300K(ReidHawley05*), 2350K(Jones96), 2367K(Dahn02*), 2437K(Bessell93), 2450K(Basri00*), 2492K(Rojas-Ayala12*), 2550K(Lyubchik12*,average), 2600K(Pavlenko02*), 2625K(Kirkpatrick93). Recent average is ~2450K. (G-Ks)=5.886, M_G=16.425, M_Ks=10.539. # Secondary Standard LHS 2065 = GJ 3517 = LP 666-9 = 2MASS J08533619-0329321 = NLTT 20475 *M9V: Kirpatrick91(pri),Kirkpatrick97(stan),Leggett01,Henry02,Henry04,ReidGizis05(M9.0Ve),Leggett10,Kirkpatrick11,Kirkpatrick16(stan) M7Ve: Bessel91 Not listed in Hawley97,Reid04. plx=115.3036+-0.1132mas(GaiaDR2), plx=117.3+-1.5 mas(Monet92,vanAltena95), G=15.9087+-0.0012(GaiaDR2), V=18.80(Leggett92), V = 18.80+-0.03(Dahn02), V=18.74(Bessell91,Henry04), V=18.94(Dieterich14), Rc=16.74(Bessell91,Henry04), V-R=2.00(Bessell91), Ic=14.54(Bessell91,Henry04), V-I=4.36(Leggett92,Monet92,Leggett01,Kirkpatrick95), V-I=4.20(Bessell91), I=14.44(Leggett01), K_CIT=9.98(Leggett92), (V-Ks)_CIT=8.82(Leggett92), V-Ks = 8.80(Henry04), J=11.212+-0.026(2MASS), H=10.469+-0.026(Leggett92), Ks=9.942+-0.024(2MASS). WISE: W1=9.615+-0.024, W2=9.382+-0.020, W3=8.928+-0.026. AllWISE: W1=9.624+-0.023, W2=9.381+-0.020, W3=8.967+-0.028. (Ks-W1)=0.327(WISE), (Ks-W1)=0.318(allWISE). (V-Ks)=8.858(Leggett92,2MASS), M_G=16.22(GaiaDR2), Mv=19.15+-0.04(Monet92,Dahn02), M_Ks=10.288+-0.037(Monet92,2MASS). BC_K = 3.18 (Leggett01). Leggett01: fbol = 1.45e-13 W/m^2 => mbol = 13.099 mag => BC_Ks = 13.099 - 9.942 = 3.157 => BCv = 13.099 - 18.74 = -5.641. Patten06 lists Spitzer IRAC photometry of [3.6] = 9.41+-0.02, [4.5]=9.39+-0.03, [5.8]=9.22+-0.01, [8.0] = 9.13+-0.01. Teffs: 2050K(Casagrande08), 2100K(Leggett01*), 2150K(Tinney93), 2250K(Irwin91), 2400K(Golimowski04*), 2420K(Gautier07*), 2441K(Dahn02*), 2453K(Bessell93), 2564K(RojasAyala12*) => recent median is Teff=2420K. (G-Ks)=5.967, M_G=16.218, M_Ks=10.251. LP 944-20 = BRI 0337-3535 *M9V: Tinney98,Kirkpatrick99(footnote#8),Kirkpatrick(unpub.,DwarfArchives),Leggett01,Geballe02,Henry04 M9.5V: Reid04 155.7590+-0.0991mas(GaiaDR2), G=15.4654+-0.0009(GaiaDR2) => M_G = 16.428+-0.002. Leggett01 lists M-m=1.51, I=14.16, I-J=3.48, J-H=0.70, H-K=0.45, K=9.53, K-L'=0.81 (JHKL' on UKIRT-IRCAM3 system, I is Cousins). V=19.2:(Ribas03), V=18.70+-0.026(Dieterich14), Rc=16.39+-0.007(Dieterich14), Ic=14.01+-0.011(Dieterich14), V-Ic=4.69(Dieterich14), Ic=14.16+-0.03(Dahn02,Leggett01), J=10.725+-0.021(2MASS), J=10.700(Kirkpatrick97), H=10.017+-0.021(2MASS), H=10.030(Kirkpatrick97), K=9.52+-0.03(Dahn02), K=9.52(Kirkpatrick97), K=9.58(Tinney96), Ks=9.548+-0.023(2MASS), J-H=0.70+-0.04(Dahn02), H-K=0.50+-0.04(Dahn02). Plx=201.4+-4.2 mas (Tinney96, Dahn02), Plx=155.89+-1.03 mas (Dieterich14; d=6.41+-0.04 pc). Leggett01: fbol = 2.20e-13 W/m^2 => mbol = 12.647 (IAU2015 scale) => BC_Ks = 12.647 - 9.548 = 3.099 => BCv = 12.647 - 18.70 = -6.053. BC_Ks = 3.21+-0.07(Ribas03). V-Ks = 18.70 - 9.548 = 9.152. Ribas03 estimates logL=-3.79+-0.04, and predicts masses of 0.049-0.055 Msun (due to its young inferred age). Dieterich14 estimates logL=-3.579+-0.010 dex, radius 0.101+-0.006 Rsun. Dieterich14 photometry and parallax consistent with Mv=19.664+-0.030, M_J=11.689+-0.025, M_Ks=10.512+-0.027. Teffs: 1764K(Jenkins09), 2100+-100K(Leggett01), 2123K(Gautier07), 2138+-68K(Dahn02), 2312+-71K(Dieterich14), 2400K(Basri00) => median Teff = 2123K. (G-Ks)=5.917, M_G=16.427, M_Ks=10.510. # Exemplars LP 647-13 = 2MASS J01095117-0343264 = NLTT 3868 M9V: Cruz02(M9e),Cruz03,Reid03,Lodieu05,Cruz07,Schmidt07,Reiners09,Faherty09 Not considered a standard star in any publications, but all published types appear to be in agreement on M9V. Its G-Ks colors are similar to the 3 standards, and is M_Ks and M_G values are right in the middle of the distribution of the M9V standards & exemplars. plx = 97.55+-2.04mas(Weinberger16), plx=94.3979+-0.3180mas(GaiaDR2), G=16.3515+-0.0019(GaiaDR2), Vmag = 19.31(Winters15), Vmag=18.65(Salim03). J=11.694+-0.021, H=10.931+-0.026, Ks=10.428+-0.025(2MASS). V-Ks = 19.31 - 10.428 = 8.882. M_G = 16.23(GaiaDR2), Mv = 19.19(Winters15,GaiaDR2). (G-Ks)=5.924, M_G=16.227, M_Ks=10.303. TVLM 868-110639 = 2MASS J15101685-0241078 M7.5e: Martin94 M8Ve: Geballe02 *M9V: Kirkpatrick95,Kirkpatrick97,Henry04,Kirkpatrick11 M9.3: BardalezGagliuffi14 G=17.2383+-0.0024(GaiaDR2), Ic=15.79(Tinney93, Tinney95,vanAltena95,Henry04), I=15.8(Martin94), Y=13.494+-0.002(UKIDSS, Lawrence12), J=12.614+-0.023(2MASS), H=11.842+-0.022(2MASS), Ks=11.347+-0.021(2MASS). Teff=1975K(Tinney93), 2451+-112K(Dahn02). plx=55.4340+-0.3516mas(GaiaDR2). (G-Ks)=5.891, M_G=15.957, M_Ks=10.066. BRI 1222-1222 = 2MASSI J1224522-123835 = BR B1222-1221 M8Ve: Gizis02 M8.5: BardalezGagliuffi14(near-IR,SpeX) *M9V: Kirkpatrick95,Kirkpatrick97,Gizis00(M9e),Burgasser15 Teff=2496+-100K(Dahn02). GaiaEDR3: plx=57.9715+-0.1233mas, G=17.113316+-0.003166. G-Ks=5.76, M_G=15.934, M_Ks=10.174. # Other Stars 2MASS J14112131-2119503 = DENIS J141121.2-211950 = 2MASSI J1411213-211950 M8: Gagne14(near-IR) M8.5\beta: Gagne15("INT-G") *M9V: Cruz03,Kendall04,Cruz07,Schmidt07,Reiners09,Gagne14(optical),Burgasser15 Appears to be a young/pre-MS star or brown dwarf but does not belong to any known young associations, and Gagne flags it as a \beta (lower surface gravity). BANYAN Sigma gives 99.9% membership to "field", i.e. <0.1% belonging to any of the known young groups within 150 pc. Its absolute magnitude (M_G=13.645) is ~2.5 mag brighter than typical M9Vs (M_G ~ 16.2)! So this is clearly an unusual, probably young, low surface gravity object and its properties not typical for M8 or M9 field dwarfs. No published V magnitude. GaiaEDR3: plx=21.9267+-0.2437mas, G=16.940441 0.004578, E(BP/RP)=1.942, Bp-Rp=5.301646, Bp-G=3.655367, G-Rp=1.646279. J=12.437+-0.022, H=11.826+-0.027, Ks=11.330+-0.021. M_G=13.645, M_Ks=8.035, G-Ks=5.610. Teffs: 2600+-200K(Gagne15). RV=-0.8+-3.0km/s(Reidel17). Fbol=4.59e-11 mW/m2, EW(Halpha)=-5.98A(emission)(Schmidt17). BRI 0021-0214 = DY Psc = 2MASS J00242463-0158201 *M9.0V: Henry04 M9.5: Leggett01,Geballe02,Lodieu05,Dieterich14 V=19.42(Reid04), V=19.81+-0.031(Dieterich14), Rc=17.47+-0.015(Dieterich14), Rc=17.301+-0.006(Liebert06), Ic=15.15+-0.012(Dieterich15), Ic=15.022+-0.003(Liebert06), I=15.07(vanAltena95). J=11.992+-0.035(2MASS), H=11.084+-0.022(2MASS), Ks=10.539+-0.023(2MASS). Henry04 didn't list a Vmag, but Rc=17.42, Ic=15.16 from Dahn02. Adopting Vmag from Reid04 and Ic from Liebert06, V-Ic = 4.398. Adopting Vmag from Dieterich14 and Ks from 2MASS: V-Ks = 9.271. Leggett06 reports MKO JHK photometry (it is a standard). Note that the colors are almost identical to the M9V standards. plx = 82.5+-3.4 mas (VanAltena95), 80.71+-0.95mas(Weinberger16). Mv=19.345+-0.040(Dieterich14,Weinberger16), M_Ks=10.074+-0.034(2MASS,Weinberger16), Teff=2284K(Gautier07). Leggett01: fbol = 8.17e-14 W/m2 => mbol = 13.722 (IAU2015 scale) => BC_Ks = 13.722 - 10.539 = 3.183, BCv = 13.722 - 19.81 = -6.088. 2M 0140+27 = 2MASS J01400263+2701505 = LSPM J0140+2701 = binary ALP 5 (sep=31.8") M8.5: Allen07 M9: Rice10 M9.5V: Reid02(in Glebocki05) J=12.487+-0.021(2MASS), J=12.51+-0.02(Allen07,IRTF), H=11.820+-0.022(2MASS), Ks=11.432+-0.021(2MASS), Ks=11.44+-0.02(Allen07,IRTF). Dist=17.3 pc(Allen07), 19.4+-3.5 pc (Lepin05). Teff=2753K(Rice10) ESO 207-61 (J070753.3-490050) *M9V: Henry04 M8.5V: Kirkpatrick11,Lodieu05(M8.5e) Henry04 lists V=20.39, Rc=18.63, Ic=16.23. V=20.39 (vanAltena95,Henry04), V=20.99(Jenkins09, source unknown = they say "Hipparcos", which is nonsense). J=13.228+-0.026(2MASS), H=12.538+-0.030(2MASS), Ks=12.105+-0.024(2MASS). plx = 54.10+-4.50 (Dupuy12,Tinney96). Adopting V=20.39 and 2MASS K: V-K=8.285. Mv = 19.06 (Jenkins09,Tinney96), M_Ks=10.771+-0.182(Tinney96,2MASS). SSSPM J1444-2019 = WISEA J144418.19-201945.6 d/sdM7: BardalezGagliuffi14(near-IR) sdM9: Scholz04(Faherty09,"sdM9.0") M9.0: BardalezGagliuffi14(SpeX) sdL0: Kirkpatrick16(optical & near-IR) SIMBAD default spectral type listed as "M9.0VI:". Metal-poor, high velocity M9 first characterized by Scholz04 (2004A&A...428L..25S). Scholz04: "We present the discovery of a new extreme high proper motion object (∼3.5arcsec/year) which we classify as an ultracool subdwarf with [M/H]~-0.5. It has a formal spectral type of sdM9 but also shows L-type features: while the VO bands are completely absent, it exhibits extremely strong TiO absorption in its optical spectrum. With a radial velocity of about -160km/s and a rough distance estimate of 16-24pc, it is likely one of the nearest halo members crossing the Solar neighbourhood with a heliocentric space velocity of (U,V,W)=(-244,-256,-100)±(32,77,6)km/s." GaiaEDR3: plx=58.1427+-0.1227mas, G=16.652800 0.003277. J=12.546+-0.026, H=12.142+-0.026, Ks=11.933+-0.026. (G-Ks)=4.719, M_G=15.583, M_Ks=10.864. Combination of M_G and M_Ks is deviant (M_G is about 0.6 mag too bright given the M_Ks). # Comments The only M9V stars in the dwarf archive (http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/davy/ARCHIVE/index.shtml) as of July 2013 are: 2MASS J03393521-3525440 = LP 944-20 2MASS J08533619-0329321 = LHS 2065 (sec. standard, see above; Kirkpatrick91) 2MASS J12245222-1238352 = BRI 1222-1222 (Kirkpatrick95) 2MASS J14284323+3310391 = LHS 2924 (pri. standard, see above; Henry90) 2MASS J15101685-0241078 = TVLM 868-110639 (Kirkpatrick95) # V-K vs. Mv V-Ks Mv M_Ks 8.285 19.06 10.771+-0.182 ; non-standard ESO 207-61 (Henry04) 8.836 19.37 10.534+-0.039 ; pri. stan. LHS 2924 8.84 ; non-stan. SSS2356-3426 8.858 19.15 10.288+-0.037 ; sec. stan. LHS 2065 (Dieterich14 has 9.00) 8.92 ; non-stan. 2MA1501+2250 9.00 ; non-stan. RG0050-2722 9.06 ; non-stan. BRI1222-1222 9.08 ; non-stan. LHS4039C 9.12 ; non-stan. SSS2307-5009 9.152 19.66 10.512+-0.027 ; sec. stan. LP944-20 (Burgasser14) 9.271 19.35 10.074+-0.034 ; non-stan. BRI 0021-0214 9.94 ; non-stan. SIP2045-6332 adopt V-Ks=9.00