O8III best O8III standard (southern or otherwise) is lam Ori (J0535+0956;V=3.5) Walborn71 standard: lam Ori - O8III((f)) Walborn73 standard: lam Ori - O8III((f)) Walborn90 standard: lam Ori - O8III((f)) # No standard Hiltner69 and Garrison77 do not list a O8III standard. # Primary standard lam Ori = HD 36861 (J0535+0956; V=3.5) O8III((f)): Walborn71,Walborn72,Conti74,Walborn90 O8III: Garrison96,Abt08 O8IIIf: Conti71 O8V: Bisiacchi82,Levenhangen06 08: MK43,Lesh68 B0IV: Morgan55 4.5" pair with B0/B0.5 stars. "08" classification goes back to Plaskett22 and MK43, so long history of use as standard. The only O8 star of any luminosity class in Garrison96 table "The Brightest Stars" in the 1996 Observer's Handbook.