Astronomy 102 Black Holes & Time Warps
Fall 2024

Exam 1 review session

Wednesday, September 25 at 7:30pm | B&L 372

James & Srujamya will be holding a review session Wednesday evening in B&L 372. They will answer as many of your questions as possible, as well as go over the practice exam.

Welcome to Astro 102!

Welcome to the home page of Astro 102! This is your resource for information about the course, including homework assignments, exams, and solutions.

Course meetings

Lectures will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-3:15pm in Wegmans 1400 LeChase 141.

Recitatons meet on Wednesdays from 2-3:15pm in B&L 203H, and on Thursdays from 4:50-6:05pm in Gavett 301.
