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PHY 142: Electricity & Magnetism (Honors)
Prof. S. Teitel stte@pas.rochester.edu ---- Fall 2009

Problem Set 8

Due Friday, November 13, by 2 pm in PHY 142 homework locker
  • Problem 1 [10 points]

    Purcell problem 6.13 - Hint: compute the magnetic field along the axis of the two rings, and find the separation b that makes the second derivative of B along this axis zero. This arrangement is known as a Helmholtz coil.

  • Problem 2 [10 points]

    Purcell problem 6.26

  • Problem 3 [10 points]

    Purcell problem 6.33 - You do not have to find the magnitude of the electric field, just argue convincingly what its direction is and explain qualitatively why it would produce the trajectory shown in the figure.

  • Problem 4 [10 points]

    Purcell problem 7.2

  • Problem 5 [10 points]

    Purcell problem 7.14