In this page I list all opportunities we had in our group to interact with news outlets and other channels outside academia.
I gave a general outreach colloquia at the Physics Week of the Universidade Federal de Lavras, where I talked about “Thermodynamics of information in the quantum regime.” PDF.
I participated in the “Qubits & Quasars” podcast from the International Institute of Physics and UFRN, where I talked about my career as a researcher. To access the podcast, click here.
January 2020: I gave an interview for the Brazilian news website UOL on Quantum coaches.
I gave a general outreach colloquia at ORT university in Montevideo, Uruguay, where I talked about Lavras, where I talked about the laws of information-thermodynamics in the quantum world. PDF.
December 2019: I participated on a podcast interview from CaféDebug about quantum computing and other quantum technologies, which I recently participate.
September 2019: I presented an outreach talk to 1st year students on Measurements in Quantum Physics. PDF.
June, 2019: I presented an outreach talk on the event Física para todos @ Biblioteca Mario de Andrade, São Paulo, entitled "a seta do tempo no mundo da física quântica". PDF.
May, 2019: I presented a seminar on quantum physics for engineering students a@t Universidad ORT Uruguay entitle "The arrow of time in the quantum realm”. PDF.
May, 2019: I presented a seminar for physics undergraduates @ IFUSP entitle "Quantum correlations and the arrow of time." PDF.
Mar., 2019: Our paper on "The role of quantum coherence in non-equilibrium entropy production”, appeared in the IFSC-USP news outlets.
Jan., 2019: Our paper on the Experimental determination of irreversible entropy production in out-of-equilibrium mesoscopic quantum systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 160604 (2018), appeared in the following outlets: