Regina Demina, Gabriel Landi, “Locality in collider tests of Quantum Mechanics with top quark pairs,” Phys. Rev. D111, 012013 (2024). arXiv:2407.15223. PDF.
Kacper Prech, Patrick P. Potts, Gabriel T. Landi, “Role of Quantum Coherence in Kinetic Uncertainty Relations,” Phys. Rev. Lett.134, 020401 (2024). arXiv:2407.14147. PDF.
André M. Timpanaro, Giacomo Guarnieri and Gabriel T. Landi, “Quantum thermoelectric transmission functions with minimal current fluctuations” Phys. Rev. B111, 014301 (2025). arXiv:2106.10205.PDF.
2024 (14)
Ivan Medina, Oisín Culhane, Felix C. Binder, Gabriel T. Landi, John Goold, “Anomalous discharging of quantum batteries: the ergotropic Mpemba effect,” (2024). arXiv:2412.13259.
Marco Radaelli, Gabriel T. Landi, Felix C. Binder, “A Gillespie algorithm for efficient simulation of quantum jump trajectories,” Phys. Rev. A110, 062212 (2024). arXiv:2303.15405.PDF.
Samuel L. Jacob, John Goold, Gabriel T. Landi, Felipe Barra, “Universal energy fluctuations in inelastic scattering processes,” Phys. Rev. Lett.133, 207101 (2024). arXiv 2404.04923. PDF.
Gabriel O. Alves, Marcelo A. F. Santos, Gabriel T. Landi, “Collisional thermometry for Gaussian systems,” Phys. Rev. A 110, 052421 (2024). arXiv:2405.12030. PDF.
Twesh Upadhyaya, William F. Braasch Jr., Gabriel T. Landi, Nicole Yunger Halpern, “What happens to entropy production when conserved quantities fail to commute with each other,” PRX Quantum5, 030355 (2024). arXiv:2305.15480. PDF. See piece on New Scientist (PDF). See piece on Quanta Magazine (PDF).
Abhaya S. Hegde, Patrick P. Potts, Gabriel T. Landi, “Time-resolved Stochastic Dynamics of Quantum Thermal Machines,” (2024). arXiv:2408.00694.
Kacper Prech, Gabriel T. Landi, Florian Meier, Nuriya Nurgalieva, Patrick P. Potts, Ralph Silva, Mark T. Mitchison, “Optimal time estimation and the clock uncertainty relation for stochastic processes,” (2024). arXiv:2406.19450.
Luis F. Santos, Gabriel T. Landi, “Waiting time statistics for a double quantum dot coupled with an optical cavity,” (2024). arXiv:2404.13775.
Laetitia P. Bettmann, Michael J. Kewming, Gabriel T. Landi, John Goold, Mark T. Mitchison, “Quantum stochastic thermodynamics in the mesoscopic-leads formulation,” (2024). arXiv:2404.06426
Gabriel T. Landi, Michael J. Kewming, Mark T. Mitchison, Patrick P. Potts, “Current fluctuations in open quantum systems: Bridging the gap between quantum continuous measurements and full counting statistics,” PRX Quantum5, 020201 (2024). arXiv:2303.04270. PDF.
Guilherme Fiusa, Gabriel T. Landi, “Queued quantum collision models,” (2024). arXiv 2403.19408.
Eoin O'Connor, Steve Campbell, Gabriel T. Landi, “Fisher information rates in sequentially measured quantum systems,” New J. Phys.26 033048 (2024). arXiv:2401.06543. PDF.
Marco Radaelli, Joseph A. Smiga, Gabriel T. Landi, Felix C. Binder, “Parameter estimation for quantum jump unraveling,” (2024). arXiv:2402.06556.
Kaonan Micadei, Gabriel T. Landi and Eric Lutz, “Extracting Bayesian networks from multiple copies of a quantum system”, (2021). EPL144 60002 (2023). arXiv:2103.14570. PDF.
2023 (13)
Michele Coppola, Dragi Karevski, Gabriel T. Landi, “Conditional no-jump dynamics of non-interacting quantum chains,” (2023). arXiv:2311.05515.
Joseph A. Smiga, Marco Radaelli, Felix C. Binder, Gabriel T. Landi, “Stochastic metrology and the empirical distribution,” Phys. Rev. Research5, 033150 (2023). arXiv:2305.16480. PDF.
Marlon Brenes, Giacomo Guarnieri, Archak Purkayastha, Jens Eisert, Dvira Segal, Gabriel Landi, “Particle current statistics in driven mesoscale conductors”, Phys. Rev. B108, L081119 (2022). arXiv:2211.13832. PDF.
Michael J. Kewming, Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, Gabriel T. Landi, “First Passage Times for Continuous Quantum Measurement Currents.” (2023). arXiv:2308.07810.
Gabriel T. Landi, “Patterns in the jump-channel statistics of open quantum systems.” (2023). arXiv 2305.07957.
Kacper Prech, Philip Johansson, Elias Nyholm, Gabriel T. Landi, Claudio Verdozzi, Peter Samuelsson, Patrick P. Potts, “Entanglement and thermo-kinetic uncertainty relations in coherent mesoscopic transport,” Phys. Rev. Research5, 023155 (2022). arXiv:2212.03835.PDF
Saulo H. S. Silva, Gabriel T. Landi, Emmanuel Pereira, “Non-trivial effect of dephasing: Enhancement of rectification of spin current in graded XX chains”, Phys. Rev. E107, 054123 (2023). arXiv 2207.02693.PDF.
Marco Radaelli, Gabriel T. Landi, Kavan Modi, Felix C. Binder, “Fisher information of correlated stochastic processes” New Journal of Physics,25 053037 (2023). arXiv:2206.00463.PDF.
Anthony Kiely, Eoin O'Connor, Thomás Fogarty, Gabriel T. Landi, Steve Campbell, “Entropy of the quantum work distribution” Phys. Rev. Research5, L022010 (2023). arXiv:2210.07896.PDF.
Samuel L. Jacob, Gabriel T. Landi, Massimiliano Esposito, Felipe Barra, “Two-point measurement energy statistics from particle scattering”, Phys. Rev. Research5, 043160 (2023). arXiv:2302.06516 .PDF.
André, M. Timpanaro, Giacomo Guarnieri, Gabriel T. Landi, “Hyperaccurate thermoelectric currents” Phys. Rev. B107, 115432 (2023). arXiv:2108.05325.PDF.
Artur M. Lacerda, Archak Purkayastha, Michael Kewming, Gabriel T. Landi, John Goold, “Quantum thermodynamics with fast driving and strong coupling via the mesoscopic leads approach,” Phys. Rev. B107, 195117 (2023). arXiv 2206.01090.PDF.
Krissia Zawadzki, Anthony Kiely, Gabriel T. Landi, Steve Campbell, “Non-Gaussian work statistics at finite time driving”, Phys. Rev. A107, 012209 (2023). arXiv:2208.06199. PDF.
2022 (14)
Gabriel T. Landi, Dario Poletti and Gernot Schaller, “Non-equilibrium boundary driven quantum systems: models, methods and properties”, Rev. Mod. Phys.94, 045006 (2022). arXiv: 2104.14350. PDF.
Michele Coppola, Gabriel T. Landi, Dragi Karevski, “Wigner dynamics for quantum gases under inhomogeneous gain and loss processes with dephasing“, Phys. Rev. A107, 052213 (2023). arXiv:2212.11029. PDF.
Michael J. Kewming, Mark T. Mitchison, Gabriel T. Landi, “Diverging current fluctuations in critical Kerr resonators.” Phys. Rev. A106, 033707 (2022). arXiv 2205.02622.PDF.
Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, Gabriel T. Landi, “Classical dissipative cost of quantum control”, Phys. Rev. A106, 012202 (2022). arXiv:2204.03012. PDF.
Adalberto D. Varizi, Raphael C. Drumond, Gabriel T. Landi, “Quantum quench thermodynamics at high temperatures,” Phys. Rev. A.105, 062218 (2021). arXiv:2109.03714.PDF.
Filipe V. Melo, Nahum Sá, Ithzak Roditi, Gabriel T. Landi, Alexandre M. Souza, Ivan S. Oliveira, Roberto S. Sarthour, “Implementation of a two-stroke quantum heat engine with a collisional model”, Phys. Rev. A 106, 032410 (2020). arXiv:2203.13773. PDF.
Marcelo Janovitch and Gabriel T. Landi, “Quantum mean-square predictors and thermodynamics”, Phys. Rev. A105, 022217 (2022). arXiv. 2104.07132. PDF.
Joab Morais Varela, Ranieri Nery, George Moreno, Alice Caroline de Oliveira Viana, Gabriel Landi, Rafael Chaves, “Enhancing entanglement and total correlations dynamics via local unitaries”, Phys. Rev. A105, 022430 (2022). arXiv:2108.08372. PDF.
Gabriel T. Landi, Mauro Paternostro and Alessio Belenchia, “Informational steady-states and conditional entropy production in continuously monitored systems”, PRX Quantum3, 010303, (2022). arXiv: 2103.06247. PDF.
Gonzalo Manzano, Juan M. R. Parrondo, Gabriel T. Landi, “Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects”, PRX Quantum3, 010304 (2022) arXiv:2011.04560. PDF.
Gabriel O. Alves, Gabriel T. Landi, “Bayesian estimation for collisional thermometry”, Phys. Rev. A.105, 012212 (2022). arXiv:2106.12072. PDF.
Fabrício S. Luiz, A. de Oliveira Junior, Felipe F. Fanchini, Gabriel T. Landi, “Machine classification for probe based quantum thermometry”, Phys. Rev. A.105, 022413 (2021). arXiv:2107.04555.PDF.
Gabriel H. Aguilar, Thaís L. Silva, Thiago E. Guimarães, Rodrigo S. Piera, Lucas C. Céleri, Gabriel T. Landi, “Two-point measurement of entropy production from the outcomes of a single experiment with correlated photon pairs,” Phys. Rev. A106, L020201 (2022). arXiv:2108.03289. PDF.
Alessio Belenchia, Mauro Paternostro, Gabriel T. Landi, “Informational steady-states and conditional entropy production in continuously monitored systems: the case of Gaussian systems”, Phys. Rev. A 105, 022213 (2022). arXiv:2105.12518. PDF.
2021 (15)
C. E. Fiore, Pedro E. Harunari, C. E. Fernández Noa, Gabriel T. Landi, “Current fluctuations in nonequilibrium discontinuous phase transitions”, Phys. Rev. E.104, 064123 (2021). arXiv:2109.00385.PDF.
Gabriel T. Landi. “Waiting-times statistics in boundary driven free fermion chains”, Phys. Rev. B.104, 195408, (2021). arXiv:2108.11850. PDF.
Kaonan Micadei, John P. S. Peterson, Alexandre M. Souza, Roberto S. Sarthour, Ivan S. Oliveira, Gabriel T. Landi, Roberto M. Serra, Eric Lutz, “Experimental validation of fully quantum fluctuation theorems”, (2020). Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 180603 (2021). arXiv:2012.06294. PDF.
Artur M. Lacerda, John Goold, Gabriel T. Landi, “Dephasing enhanced transport in boundary-driven quasiperiodic chains”, Phys. Rev. B, 104, 174203 (2021). arXiv:2106.11406.PDF.
Gabriel T. Landi, “Battery charging in collision models with Bayesian risk strategies,” Entropy, 23(12), 1627, (2021). arXiv 2110.10512.PDF.
Rodolfo R. Soldati, Mark T. Mitchison, Gabriel T. Landi, “Multipartite quantum correlations in a two-mode Dicke model”, (2021). Phys. Rev. A.104, 052423 (2021) arXiv:2105.09260.PDF.
Heitor P. Casagrande, Dario Poletti, Gabriel T. Landi, “Analysis of a density matrix renormalization group approach for transport in open quantum systems”, Comp. Phys. Comm., 267, 108060 (2021). arXiv 2009.08200. PDF.
Karen V. Hovhannisyan, Mathias R. Jørgensen, Gabriel T. Landi, Álvaro M. Alhambra, Jonatan B. Brask, Martí Perarnau-Llobet, “Optimal Quantum Thermometry with Coarse-grained Measurements”, PRX Quantum, 2, 020322 (2020). arXiv:2011.10513. PDF.
Adalberto D. Varizi, Mariana A. Cipolla, Martí Perarnau-Llobet, Raphael C. Drumond, Gabriel T. Landi, “Contributions from populations and coherences in non-equilibrium entropy production”, New Journal of Physics, 23 063027 (2021). arXiv: 2102.11244. PDF.
Alessandra Chioquetta, Emmanuel Pereira, Gabriel T. Landi, Raphael C. Drumond, “Rectification induced by geometry in two-dimensional quantum spin lattices”, Phys. Rev. E., 103, 032108 (2021). arXiv:2012.01368. PDF.
Rolando Ramirez Camasca and Gabriel T. Landi, “Memory kernel and divisibility of Gaussian Collisional Models”. Phys. Rev. A., 103, 022202 (2021). arXiv: 2008.00765.PDF. We also made available a complete python library for simulating Gaussian non-Markovian collisional models.
Federico Roccati, Salvatore Lorenzo, G. Massimo Palma, Gabriel T. Landi, Matteo Brunelli and Francesco Ciccarello, "Quantum correlations in PT-symmetric systems,” Quantum Sci. Technol.6, 025005 (2021), arXiv:2002.11127. PDF.
2020 (17)
Alessio Belenchia, Luca Mancino, Gabriel T. Landi and Mauro Paternostro, “Entropy production in continuously measured quantum systems”, npj Quantum Information, 6, 97 (2020). arXiv1908.09382.PDF.
Saulo H. S. Silva, Gabriel T. Landi, Raphael C. Drumond, Emmanuel Pereira, “Heat rectification on the XX chain”, Phys. Rev. E., 102, 062146 (2020). arXiv:2012.04811. PDF.
Bruno O. Goes, Gabriel T. Landi, “Entropy production dynamics in quench protocols of a driven-dissipative critical system”, Phys. Rev. A., 102, 052202 (2020).arXiv: 2007.14445. PDF.
Otavio A. D. Molitor and Gabriel T. Landi, “Stroboscopic two-stroke quantum heat engines”, Phys. Rev. A.102, 042217 (2020), arXiv 2008.07512. PDF.
André Timpanaro, Jader P. Santos and Gabriel T. Landi, “Landauer’s principle at zero temperature”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 240601 (2020). arXiv: 1911.00910. PDF.
Massimiliano Rossi, Luca Mancino, Gabriel T. Landi, Mauro Paternostro, Albert Schliesser, Alessio Belenchia, "Experimental assessment of entropy production in a continuously measured mechanical resonator”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 080601 (2020). arXiv: 2005.03429.PDF.
William B. Malouf, John Goold, Gerardo Adesso and Gabriel T. Landi, "Analysis of the conditional mutual information in ballistic and diffusive non-equilibrium steady-states”, J. Phys. A,53, 305302 (2020), arXiv1809.09931.PDF.
Susane Calegari, Antônio C. Lourenço, Gabriel T. Landi, Eduardo I. Duzzioni, "Genuine multipartite correlations in Dicke Superradiance”, Phys. Rev. A.101, 052310 (2020). arXiv:1907.04263.PDF.
B. O. Goes, G. T. Landi, E. Solano, M. Sanz and L. C. Céleri, "Wehrl entropy production rate across a dynamical quantum phase transition”, Phys. Rev. Res., 2, 033419 (2020), arXiv 2004.01126. PDF.
Adalberto D. Varizi, André P. Vieira, Cecilia Cormick, Raphael C. Drumond and Gabriel T. Landi, "Quantum coherence and criticality in irreversible work”, Phys. Rev. Res., 2, 033279 (2020), arXiv 2004.00616. PDF.
Jader P. Santos, André M. Timpanaro and Gabriel T. Landi, “Joint fluctuation theorems for sequential heat exchange”, Entropy, 22, 763 (2020). arXiv 2003.02150. PDF.
Kaonan Micadei, Gabriel T. Landi, Eric Lutz, "Quantum fluctuation theorems beyond two-point measurements”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 090602 (2020). arXiv:1909.12189. PDF.
Antônio C. Lourenço, Susane Calegari, Thiago O. Maciel, Thiago Debarba, Gabriel T. Landi and Eduardo I. Duzzioni, "Genuine Multipartite Correlations Distribution in the Criticality of Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model”, Phys. Rev. B. 101, 054431 (2020). arXiv:1912.07436. PDF.
L. V. T. Tavares, L. G. dos Santos, G. T. Landi, Pedro R. S. Gomes, P. F. Bienzobaz, "Supersymmetric Quantum Spherical Spins with Short-Range Interactions”. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 023104 (2020) arXiv:1910.04007.PDF.
Gabriel T. Landi, Andre L. Fonseca de Oliveira, Efrain Buksman, "Thermodynamic analysis of quantum error correcting engines”, Physical Review A, 101 042106 (2020). arXiv: 1911.06354. PDF.
Bruno O. Goes, Carlos E. Fiore and Gabriel T. Landi, "Quantum features of entropy production in driven-dissipative transitions”, Physical Review Research, 2, 013136 (2020). arXiv: 1910.14133. PDF.
2019 (10)
Stella Seah, Stefan Nimmrichter, Daniel Grimmer, Jader P. Santos, Valerio Scarani, Gabriel T. Landi, “Collisional quantum thermometry”, Phys. Rev. Lett.,123, 180602 (2019). arXiv 1904.12551. PDF.
G. Guarnieri, Gabriel T. Landi, Stephen R. Clark and John Goold, "Thermodynamics of precision in quantum non-equilibrium steady states”, Physical Review Research, 1, 033021 (2019). arXiv 1901.10428. PDF.
Franklin L. S. Rodrigues, Gabriele De Chiara, Mauro Paternostro and Gabriel T. Landi, "Thermodynamics of weakly coherent collisional models”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 140601 (2019). arXiv:1906.08203. PDF.
André M. Timpanaro, Giacomo Guarnieri, John Goold, Gabriel T. Landi, “Thermodynamic uncertainty relations from exchange fluctuation theorems”, Phys. Rev. Lett.,123, 090604 (2019). arXiv 1904.07574.PDF.
André M. Timpanaro, Sascha Wald, Fernando Semião, Gabriel T. Landi, “Dynamical chaotic phases and constrained quantum dynamics”, Phys. Rev. A.,100, 012117 (2019). arXiv 1807.04374.PDF.
Kaonan Micadei, John P. S. Peterson, Alexandre M. Souza, Roberto S. Sarthour, Ivan S. Oliveira, Gabriel T. Landi, Tiago B. Batalhão, Roberto M. Serra, Eric Lutz, "Reversing the direction of heat flow using quantum correlations”, Nature Communications,10, 2456 (2019). arXiv:1711.03323. PDF.
G. L. Zanin, T. Häffner, M. A. A. Talarico, E. I. Duzzioni, P. H. Souto Ribeiro, G. T. Landi, L. C. Céleri, “Experimental quantum thermodynamics with linear optics”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 49, 783–798 (2019). arXiv 1905.02829. PDF.
Gabriel T. Landi, Giacomo Guarnieri, Benjamin Morris, John Goold, Gerardo Adesso, "A resource theory of Maxwell’s Demons”, (2019). arXiv:1903.12629.
Jader P. Santos, Lucas C. Céleri, Gabriel T. Landi, Mauro Paternostro, "The role of quantum coherence in non-equilibrium entropy production”, Nature Quantum Information, 5, 23 (2019). arXiv: 1707.08946.PDF.
W. T. B. Malouf, J. P. Santos, L. A. Correa, M. Paternostro and G. T. Landi, "Wigner entropy production and heat transport in linear quantum lattices”, Phys. Rev. A.,99, 052104 (2019). arXiv 1901.03127.PDF.
2018 (10)
Stefano Scopa, Gabriel T. Landi, Adam Hammoumi, Dragi Karevski, "Exact solution of time-dependent Lindblad equations with closed algebras”, Phys. Rev. A,99, 022105 (2018). arXiv 1811.05490. PDF.
M Brunelli, L. Fusco, W. Wieczorek, J. Hoelscher-Obermaier, G. T. Landi, F. L. Semião, A. Ferraro, N. Kiesel, T. Donner, G. De Chiara and M. Paternostro. "Experimental determination of irreversible entropy production in out-of-equilibrium mesoscopic quantum systems”. Phys. Rev. Lett.121, 160604 (2018). arXiv:1602.06958.PDF. See also the synopsis on physics from APS.
Giancarlo Camilo, Gabriel T. Landi and Sebas Eliëns, "On the Strong Subadditivity of the Rényi entropies for bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states”, Phys. Rev. B., 99, 045155 (2019). arXiv:1810.07070. PDF.
Mariana Afeche Cipolla and Gabriel T. Landi, “Processing quantum coherence using the spin-boson model”, arXiv 1808.01224.
Gabriele De Chiara, Gabriel T. Landi, Adam Hewgill, Brendan Reid, Augusto Roncaglia and Mauro Antezza, "Reconciliation of quantum local master equations with thermodynamics”, New Journal of Physics, 20, 113024, arXiv 1808.10450.PDF.
T. B. Batalhao, S. Gherardini, J. P. Santos, G. T. Landi, M. Paternostro, "Characterizing irreversibility in open quantum systems”, chapter of "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso eds., Springer International Publishing. arXiv:1806.08441
Stefano Scopa, Gabriel T. Landi and Dragi Karevski, "Lindblad-Floquet description of finite-time quantum heat engines" Phys. Rev. A, 97, 062121 (2018). ArXiv: 1803.11180. PDF.
Jader. P. Santos, Alberto L. de Paula Jr., Raphael Drummond, Gabriel T. Landi and Mauro Paternostro, “Irreversibility at zero temperature from the perspective of the environment”, Phys. Rev. A.97 050101(R) (2018). arXiv:1804.02970. PDF
Jader P. Santos, Lucas C. Céleri, Frederico Brito, Gabriel T. Landi and Mauro Paternostro, "Spin-phase-space-entropy production”,Phys. Rev. A, 97 052123 (2018). arXiv 1806.04463PDF.
Sascha Wald, André M. Timpanaro, Cecilia Cormick and Gabriel T. Landi, "Energy barriers between metastable states in first-order quantum phase transitions”,Phys. Rev. A. 97 023608 (2018). arXiv:1712.07180. PDF.
2017 (5)
S. Wald, G. T. Landi and M. Henkel, "Lindblad dynamics of the quantum spherical model”, J. Stat. Mech,013103 (2018) , arXiv:1707.06273.PDF.
P. H. Guimarães, G. T. Landi and M. J. de Oliveira, "Thermal conductance of a two-level atom coupled to two quantum harmonic oscillators”, Phys. Rev. E.95 042108 (2017). arXiv: 1703.06252. PDF .
Gabriel T Landi, Fabiana R Arantes, Daniel R. Cornejo, Andris F. Bakuzis, Irene Andreu, Eva Natividad, "AC susceptibility as a tool to probe the dipolar interaction in magnetic nanoparticles". JMMM, 421, 138–151 (2016). arXiv:1604.02978. PDF.
Marcus S. Carrião, Victor R. R. Aquino, Gabriel T. Landi, Ediron L. Verde, Marcelo H. Sousa, Andris F. Bakuzis, “Giant-spin nonlinear response theory of magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia: A field dependence study,” J. Appl. Phys.,121 173901 (2017). arXiv:1702.02022. PDF.
2016 (6)
J. P Santos and G. T. Landi, "Microscopic theory of a non-equilibrium open bosonic chain”,Phys. Rev. E.94, 062143 (2016). arXiv:1610.05126. PDF.
L. Schuab, E. Pereira and G. T. Landi, "Energy Rectification in Quantum Graded Spin Chains: Analysis of the XXZ Model”,Phys. Rev. E.94, 042122 (2016). arXiv:1608.08960. PDF.
W. L. Ribeiro, G. T. Landi and F. Semião, "Quantum thermodynamics and work fluctuations with applications to magnetic resonance”, Am. J. of Phys.84, 948 (2016). arXiv:1601.01833. PDF.
P. H. Guimarães, G. T. Landi and M. J. de Oliveira, "Non-equilibrium quantum chains under multi-site Lindblad baths”, Phys. Rev. E.,94, 032139 (2016). arXiv:1609.03885. PDF.
G. T. Landi and D. Karevski, "Fluctuations of the heat exchanged between two quantum spin chains”, Phys. Rev. E., 93, 032122 (2016). arXiv:1412.4230. PDF.
C. M. Rivaldo-Gómez, F. F. Ferreira, G. T. Landi and J. A. Souza, "New route for hollow materials”,Scientific Reports, 6, 32107 (2016). PDF.
2015 (2)
G. T. Landi and D. Karevski, "Open Heisenberg chain under boundary fields : A magnonic logic gate”, Phys. Rev. B.91, 174422 (2015).arXiv:1501.07732. PDF.
P. H. Guimarães, G. T. Landi and M. J. de Oliveira, "Thermal rectification in anharmonic chains under an energy-conserving noise”, Phys. Rev. E. 92, 062120 (2015). arXiv:511.06595. PDF.
2014 (4)
G. T. Landi, E. Novais, M. J. de Oliveira and D. Karevski, "Flux rectification in the quantum XXZ chain”,Phys. Rev. E. 90, 042142 (2014).. PDF.
G. T. Landi and M. J. de Oliveira, "Fourier's law from a chain of coupled planar harmonic oscillators under energy conserving noise”, Phys. Rev. E.89, 022105 (2014). arXiv:1309.6560. PDF.
G. T. Landi, “Role of dipolar interaction in magnetic hyperthermia”, Phys. Rev. B.89, 014403 (2014). PDF.
G. T. Landi and C. E. Fiore, "Effect of diffusion in one-dimensional discontinuous absorbing phase transitions”, Phys. Rev. E,90, 032123 (2014). PDF.
2013 (3)
G. T. Landi and M. J. de Oliveira, "Fourier's law from a chain of coupled anharmonic oscillators under energy-conserving noise”, Phys. Rev. E.87, 052126 (2013). arXiv:1305.0806. PDF.
G. T. Landi, "The random dipolar-field approximation for systems of interacting magnetic particles”, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 163908 (2013). PDF.
G. T. Landi, T. Tomé, M. J. de Oliveira, "Entropy production in linear Langevin systems”, J. Phys. A,46, 395001 (2013). arXiv:1507.00232. PDF.
2012 (8)
E. L. Verde, et. al. "Magnetic hyperthermia investigation of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles : Comparison between experiment , linear response theory and dynamic hysteresis simulations”, J. Appl. Phys.111, 123902 (2012). PDF.
E. L. Verde, et. al. "Field dependent transition to the non-linear regime in magnetic hyperthermia experiments: Comparison between maghemite, copper, zinc, nickel and cobalt ferrite nanoparticles of similar sizes” AIP Advances, 2, 032120 (2012). PDF.
G. T. Landi, "Simple models for the heating curve in magnetic hyperthermia experiments”,JMMM, 326, 14-21 (2012). PDF.
G. T. Landi and A. D. Santos, "Longitudinal dynamic hysteresis in single-domain particles”,J. Appl. Phys.111, 07D121 (2012). PDF.
G. T. Landi and A. F. Bakuzis, "On the energy conversion efficiency in magnetic hyperthermia applications : A new perspective to analyze the departure from the linear regime”, J. Appl. Phys.111, 083915 (2012). PDF.
G. T. Landi, "Dynamic symmetry loss of high-frequency hysteresis loops in single-domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy”, JMMM, 324, 466-470 (2012).PDF.
G. T. Landi, "Influence of the magnetization damping on dynamic hysteresis loops in single domain particles”, J. Appl. Phys.111, 043901 (2012). PDF.
L. E. G. Armas, et. al. "Graphene modification with gold nanoparticles using the gas aggregation technique”, Diamond and Related Materials,23, 18-22 (2012). PDF.
2010 (2)
G. T. Landi and A. D. Santos, "High-density gas aggregation nanoparticle gun applied to the production of SmCo clusters”. J. Mat. Sci.,45, 4906-4911 (2010). PDF.
G. T. Landi, S. Romero and A. D. Santos, "High density flux of Co nanoparticles produced by a simple gas aggregation apparatus”, Rev. Sci. Inst., 81, 033908 (2010). PDF.