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Volume Expansion in Robertson & Walker


Here I show some of the calculations done during this practicum and how they can help us to feel the Physics.

Computing is one of the best way to have a good feeling of how things work. In this appendix we will put some of the computations done in the framework of understanding the Raychaudhuri equation gif that we saw in chapter gif page gif.

Here is not the place to put the derivation of the equation gif page gif. It gives nothing about the physics we want to know. Instead let us work out the Raychaudhuri equation in some cases like the Roberston and Walker  metric

(Notice that the derivation of the Christoffel symbol    can be easily done thanks to GR-Tensor but the aim of this computation was to understand the mechanism, this computation has to be carried out by hand at least one time).

The form of the metric used is the following:

With . It is the solution of the Einstein equation for our universe.

First let us calculate the geodesics  of the spacetime.


Peggy Varniere
Fri Jul 24 11:57:38 EDT 1998