The final grade will be based on the following percentages



Mid term exam


Workshop participation


Class participation


Term paper


Final Exam


Attendance at lectures and workshop sessions is required. Your active participation in the lectures and workshops will be assessed and are included in your grade. No make-up exams will be given except for cases documented by medical certification. Such exams may be orals. All suspected cases of cheating or plagiarism will be reported to the Board on Academic Honesty.

The instructors will assign final letter grades based on the absolute total score for the course, rather than using a grading curve. This is to ensure that your grade fairly reflects your performance and is not unfairly impacted by the fact that only better prepared students are attracted to P235W. Thus your grade will depend primarily on your performance rather than the shape of the grade distribution, and, in principle, you all could get high grades. Your grade record will be sent to you regularly by email. You are responsible for checking that your record is correct and for informing Professor Cline of errors.